undefined undefined Feedback
October 1979

“Feedback,” New Era, Oct. 1979, 2


Blessed with a brother

I was impressed with the June article “The Joy Is in Becoming.” Peggy Gardner mentions the concern her brother had for her modesty. I too was blessed with such a brother.

I returned from the Nevada Las Vegas mission last summer. President Ronald Patterson set the standard of modesty for us as missionaries and continually admonished us to uphold it, both in dress and thought. We were surrounded by things of the world, but true joy came as we battled the temptation to partake of things contrary to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

As secretary of the LDS institute in Austin, Texas, I know the importance of example. I can influence the attitudes of those who come into the institute by the way I act, and whether I have a good day or not depends upon me. Thank you for this article. It has helped me evaluate my priorities.

Carol Blankenship
Austin, Texas

Quality in quantity

As missionaries serving in the New Zealand Wellington Mission, in “the land of the long white cloud,” my companion and I really enjoy the New Era. The magazines are a couple of months late getting here, so the mission ships us several issues at a time. It’s a great way to get quality in quantity. The articles are heartwarming and informative, sometimes answering questions on problems we have, sometimes just plain inspiring us to greater works. I know that true happiness comes only from pursuing the plan that the Lord has for us. I will always pursue that quest for perfection and share the gospel throughout my life at every opportunity.

Elder Anthony T. McGifford
New Zealand Wellington Mission


We are so impressed with the enlightenment the New Era gives us in our efforts to be effective servants of the Lord. Missionary Focus has tremendous impact in encouraging us all to be better individuals and to participate more fully in God’s kingdom here on earth. We are delighted to give the New Era as a gift to one of our investigators. It sure helps the work go forward.

Elders Bob Christison and Mark Bown
Pennsylvania Philadelphia Mission

From the Jewell of Juneau

I’ve subscribed to the New Era for three years, and I love it! Most of my friends at Mutual read it too, and we usually chat about the articles. It really makes me feel good to read the articles and talk about them. My life has really changed this past year, and my thanks go to the Juneau, Alaska, Second Branch. I’m moving to Anchorage in August, and I’ll miss all my friends. Karen Peterson has been a member all her life, and having her for a best friend has helped me understand how important the Church is. Thank you, Juneau Second Branch!

Sharon Jewell
Juneau, Alaska


Thank you so much for “Airborne” by C. C. Southerland in the July New Era. I am a convert of just over two years, and I am now getting ready to go on a mission. The New Era has been a strength to me many times in the past, and I’m sure it will continue to be one in the future. Though I’m the only member in my family, I also intend to be LDS all the way!

Susan Schwindt
Fort Macleod, Alberta, Canada

Three stops for tears

Through reading the New Era I have learned how to sustain my testimony and how to resist the people who try to make me feel bad for keeping my high moral standards. The New Era has also helped me to take pride in my LDS heritage in this part of the world where we are few but growing. Our city now has seven branches.

I am writing this letter to thank you for “You Sing—You Love” by Kent Rappleye in the December 1978 New Era. I started reading it in my father’s car while we were going to another city. It was so beautiful I could feel the love coming from it. It was so full of expression and of the Spirit that if I tried hard I could hear the choir singing. After reading the first column I had to stop three times because tears were filling my eyes. The spirit that held me was so great that I had to testify then and there: “Jesus is the Christ, and we are in his church.” When I finished that article, I couldn’t keep reading because I had to meditate and savor that special experience. At a time when I needed it most, the Spirit had once again testified to me that the gospel is true and that we are working to build the kingdom of God here. For the rest of the day I felt this way and just tried to pass it around.

Carlos A. Vallarino
Panama City, Panama

Unsung heros

I just completed reading the July issue of the New Era and was thrilled as I always am. It was pleasing to read “Decide Now Not to Compromise” by our beloved stake president, Archie M. Brugger. He is a choice brother and an inspiration to all members of our stake.

I read with interest “His Life Was in My Hands” and the accounts of heroism that our brethren have displayed. I had to think back to two years ago, to an incident that occurred in our ward, the San Antonio First Ward of the San Antonio Texas East Stake.

On a sunny June morning our building custodian Agustin Garcia and his family were caring for the chapel and grounds. His 13-year-old son Johnny was riding the lawn-mowing machine, with 12-year-old Michael at his side. At one point both boys got off the mower to clear away some debris, Their younger sister, Judy, came up from behind and tried to get on the mower. She accidently knocked the machine into gear and it knocked her down and felt on top of her.

Michael saw and immediately ran to her. He tried to lift the mower off her and lost the center of his left foot in the blades. Johnny ran over, turned off the machines, removed his brother and sister, tore his clothing and made pressure bandages to stop their bleeding, and stayed with them, doing what he could, until emergency help arrived. He is credited with saving the life of his sister by applying the first aid principles learned in Scouting.

Not only did he remain calm through the entire incident, but Johnny then called me, his bishop, to start the ward in action to help the family. We in the ward are proud of these two young men and their actions to help their sister. The scars remain on Judy and Michael, but their lives are normal now.

I felt that others ought to know of the unsung heros we have here in San Antonio. I feel the true rewards are those awaiting these brethren in heaven for their selfless actions.

I appreciate the New Era and the lives it touches, as evidenced by the letters you receive each month from readers across the world. The New Era is part of my life.

Daniel E. Dreher
San Antonio, Texas


This past month the Canada Toronto Mission held a mission-wide seminar. I was asked to sing a song but couldn’t find one that fit our mission program, which we call SOAR (S—sacrifice; O—obedience; A—attitude; R—rededication). I prayed about my problem, and I was directed to the August 1976 New Era, which was buried in a pile of magazines. There I found the song “Let Me Soar.” I sang this for the seminar. It was a definite answer to prayer.

Elder Robert M. Tibbs
Canada Toronto Mission

The Nth degree

In the past I have enjoyed the Q&A: Questions and Answers department in the New Era, but I was not entirely satisfied with the answer in the July issue to the question “Are there any modern-day scientific discoveries that prove the existence of a super-intelligent Creator of the universe?” Perhaps the author did his best within the space you were willing to allocate to him, but I believe he should have included a few comments by modern scientists, such as this one from Dr. Arthur Compton, a physicist: “The study of physics has strengthened my confidence in the reality of God, because I have seen something of the mechanism of nature … the symmetry of the hydrogen atom, the myriad combinations of carbon molecules, the protoplasmic cell—all built up out of simple units: electrons and protons and positrons. It seems to the Nth degree impossible that such an intricate and interesting world could have ordered itself out of particles with a random character. A world of such organization and character as modern physics can only be the result of an intelligence working through nature.”

Lamont M. Jensen
Salt Lake City, Utah