undefined undefined Praise Triumphant
Praise Triumphant
October 1979

“Praise Triumphant,” New Era, Oct. 1979, 11

In Tune:

Praise Triumphant

1. With songs of triumph, songs of praise

To thee dear Lord our anthems raise

To celebrate the coming of

Thy Son who came and left us love.

2. For death came unto man to fill

A plan the great Creator built.

Or else man should by reason fall

No more to rise at heaven’s call.

3. For on the resurrection day

We’ll come to thee and there we’ll stay.

Again to walk the paths we knew

Before we came to earthly view.

4. Again, again we’ll sing the song

For one who came and left us love.

We’ll sing the song in one accord

With praise triumphant to thee, Lord.


Calligraphy by Warren Luch