August 1983

“Feet,” New Era, Aug. 1983, 29


Feet are very sensible creatures.

When I was running a mile and a half

at 6:00 A.M. this morning

I wanted to keep going

but my feet knew heart attacks

can kill anyone

and stopped.

Then, just for fun,

I tried to get my feet to stop walking

when I was on my way to school

but they knew I was teasing

and kept going.

Even when feet make mistakes

they have good excuses.

If they trip on stairs

it is because they are concentrating so hard.

When feet are naked in soft, cool grass

and they step on a rock

it’s never their fault—

Somebody else forgot to put shoes on.

Today I said to my feet

“Feet, you need to take life a little easier.”

My feet were busy walking

and pretended not to hear.

But I had seen them

wearing nothing but red toenail polish

and I laughed.

Photo by Wayne Rickords

Photo by Mark Allen

Photo by Rex Strother
