August 1983

“Homecoming,” New Era, Aug. 1983, 31


I listened intently

as the speaker voiced from his heart

the deep, inexpressible joy we would

someday feel upon seeing our Father in Heaven


and rushing into His arms.

My heart was full at this thought, but an

understanding was not yet born.

I returned home

(The college coed!)

and flung my suitcase, gathering my family

into my anticipating arms.

Ah! Completeness. I was home. But dad

was still downstairs

and I fairly flew, without a thought.

It was as fast as a breath and as natural

and life-sustaining

to rush into his arms. A warmth of understanding

came—so this is what it must be like.

And I knew.

Photo by Aaron Vinck

Photo by Rex Strother

Illustrated by Shane Worrell

Background photos by Gerald Bybee
