March 1984

“Feedback,” New Era, Mar. 1984, 3


Light reading

I want to thank you for the beautiful article “A Parable of Light” by Anselm Spring. Looking at the pictures, I could not help but feel of the love God has for each of his children. His creations are truly a gift to each of us. The article reminded me to be grateful for gifts the Maker has created for us.

Charmaine Moncur
Los Angeles, California

Hard to put down

I am a college student and have been receiving the New Era for four years. I have really enjoyed every issue I have read. There are so many interesting stories and articles that it makes it very hard to put this magazine down. I keep every issue I receive because they are very good for preparing lessons in Sunday School, Young Women, and also for talks. The New Era also has great Mormonads and gives high school students a chance to try for scholarships by sending in their work to the annual New Era Writing, Art, Photography, and Music Contest.

The things I like most about the New Era are the stories by Jack Weyland, such as “Setting the Trap” in the October 1983 issue, “The Gimmick” in the April 1983 issue, and “Saturday Morning Fever” in the January-February 1982 issue. It seems that all the stories he has written have a good point to make about college, dating, and future life. I am sure glad there is a New Era to brighten up my months. Please keep up the good work. I am sure that the New Era is helping many other people.

Debbie Larson
Rexburg, Idaho

How excited I was

I am a freshman at Ricks College, and I have been reading the New Era for a little over three years. I can remember how excited I was when I got the first issue, and I have loved every one since then. The stories and articles have really given me the guidance that I so much need in my life. They uplift me a lot, especially when I am depressed. Thank you, New Era, for helping me to strengthen my testimony!

Lisa White
Rexburg, Idaho

Shook Up

I live in Arco, Idaho, and I was recently shook up by the earthquake that hit our area. It is hard to believe that a town just 26 miles away was almost demolished. I can relate to Douglas Fowkes’s thought in the article “32 Seconds in Coalinga” in the November issue of the New Era. He said, “Nobody really expects it to happen to them,” and it’s true. I never really thought about how easily buildings and worldly possessions can be lost. Some of the thoughts that were relayed in this article really hit home. Thank you so much for the article. You have perfect timing!

Theresa Jardine
Arco, Idaho

A hymn for Warsaw

I am the mother of three teenagers and three preteens. For several years I’ve read and thoroughly enjoyed the New Era. This year I have to beg for it or go on a treasure hunt as my 17-year-old daughter, Carla, absconds with it the day it arrives.

Today was special. With my students ages 4–18, I shared Dan Lindstrom’s April 1979 story, “My Own Movie.” It was a special lesson, and they went away thoughtful with a piece of film tucked into their scriptures. It will remind them that in everything they do, say, or think they are “creating a movie of their own lives” to be shown at the judgment. Oh how grateful I was this morning for Brother Lindstrom’s thoughts.

I was led to this issue by a Feedback letter from a lovely woman telling her most touching story of her daughter’s untimely (to us) return to Heavenly Father. I thrilled as I attempted to play “Walk Tall, You’re a Daughter of God”—the lovely song which so greatly touched their lives. It has touched mine and wrapped itself around my heart.

Finally, here is one last special experience. For the last few months I have struggled with my 15-year-old son, Andy, to keep him practicing the piano. He made the choice to play some years ago, and I feel within my heart that he should continue. My stock remarks have included, “Someday you’ll be grateful I kept you at it. Someday you’ll have to play while on your mission or elsewhere.” How excited I was this evening when my husband picked up the June 1983 New Era and, after scanning it briefly, called our son to him and began reading aloud. All six of our children listened intently as he, with a cracking voice, read Alma J. Yates’s “A Hymn for Guaymas.” In it, Elder Richards’s curse—his mother’s insistence that he practice the piano daily—became a blessing when he was pressed into playing in that little branch.

Tears ran down my husband’s cheeks as he read that few of those members had ever even heard that piano played. They hardly dared think it possible that they would be able to sing “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” with piano accompaniment. More tears came when the elder wrote asking his mom to sell his prized stereo so that he could have the piano tuned. “Mom,” he wrote, “thanks for making me practice the piano.”

Our son Andy is saving diligently for his stereo—and his mission. Tonight as his dad walked in to go to bed, Andy quickly found the first hymn Elder Richards had played, “Ere You Left Your Room This Morning,” and tried it himself. Thanks for the lesson I’ve been trying so hard to teach. It was perfect. Keep up your great work. The New Era is fantastic!

Jan York
Warsaw, Indiana
