“Feedback,” New Era, Apr. 1984, 3
Strong when it might have been hard
I just wanted you to know how much I love the New Era. It has helped me be strong when it might have been hard, since there are not many Mormons in this part of Texas. Some articles I really enjoyed from the July 1983 issue were “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory” and “The Business of Being.” Both of these will help me as I keep working at gaining an eternal perspective of life. I also like the articles about the Saints in other countries, because they help me realize even more that we are all brothers and sisters and children of God.
Amy Baldwin
Dilrell, Texas
The most needed message
I want you to know of the profound effect the article “On the Wrong Bus” by Elder Sterling W. Sill had on me as I read it for the first time in the New Era. I think I can honestly say that there have been few works which have inspired and motivated me more. We often relate better to that which identifies with our personal experience, and I am sure that is one of the reasons why this affected me so. But still, it was more than that. As I pondered the message, I felt that your plea to he young Saints was perhaps the most needed message for the Church as a whole. I used the article as the crux of a teachers quorum lesson this morning. I put it on tape and gave an exam to the teachers, asking questions about some of the more significant points. It went over quite well. As I talked to the teachers after the lesson, I realized once again how pertinent and significant the message was for them.
This article has left an indelible impression upon my mind. I would like to thank Elder Sill for his insight and his way of putting that vision into words. Thank you for a teaching tool that I may use to help others for a long time to come.
Christopher C. Aaron
Provo, Utah
I can’t wait
The New Era has been a great source of inspiration to me ever since I was a young boy. I have been called to serve a mission in a foreign land, which requires eight weeks of training in the Missionary Training Center. Other missionaries had told me what a great place the MTC is, but I didn’t know exactly what to expect until I read “The Language of the Spirit” in the October New Era. I can’t wait to go, and I am very excited.
Gary L. Longmore
Pocatello, Idaho
Super woman
I am very happy because I can read the New Era. It is very special! I liked the article in April about Elaine Cannon. She is a super woman, very special to me. Please renew my subscription to the New Era, Ensign, and Friend.
Ivonete Coutinho dos Rios
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
I’ve really enjoyed the New Era throughout my mission. It has really helped when I really needed help. It has given me a better perspective of myself and others. I particularly enjoyed the article by President Holland in the September issue. Really awesome! I’ll probably use some of it in my next conference talk.
Elder Gilbert Paz
Minnesota Minneapolis Mission
How I love them
The New Era printed the first chapter of my life story, “In the Days of Boats and Trains,” in the August 1978 issue. Recently, as I have read Feedback letters from all over the world, my heart has gone out to the youth of the Church. How I love them! I rejoice in their faithfulness, and I have a great desire to assure them that if they continue to hold fast to the iron rod, they will not have to wait for the next life to reap the rewards. They will find that each trial gives some strength and experience which they will need in the next trial. So, Aundrea Fish and Sydne Miles (who lives not far from me) and Lyn Rosin and all the others, let us press on. One day at a time is all it takes. I have found that the best cure for discouragement is just to keep working—for the Lord, for loved ones, and for others.
Mary B. Russell
Hayward, California
I can beat that
In a recent issue of the New Era one person wrote, “I am 53 years old and still enjoy reading the New Era.” I can beat that. I am 83 years old and still enjoy it. You can’t put an age limit on a magazine as fine as the New Era. Keep it coming.
Ann Hansen
Preston, Idaho
Our missions on earth
I enjoy the New Era. It is quite inspirational. The Mormonads remind me of important Church principles. The Mormonisms show the lighter side of our missions here on earth. These are important in this day and age. We must be reminded of our missions. I feel we (or at least I) need to get more involved in teaching others the gospel. It is important to our salvation as well as to theirs.
Todd Alan Langford
Lander, Wyoming
Sleep aid
Every night just before I retire to bed I lie down and read from the New Era, even if it’s after midnight. After I read I sleep peacefully, with gratitude and love in my heart for the wonderful things I have that others don’t.
Becky Hyde
Tacoma, Washington
Back in perspective
Thanks for publishing a sensational magazine. I have been a member of the Church all my life and have enjoyed reading the New Era and Ensign over the past few years. When I get a little discouraged or frustrated in life, the articles and music seem to brighten my day and put things back in perspective. Thanks for helping the youth of the Church.
David Bush
Ogden, Utah