undefined undefined FYI: For Your Information
FYI: For Your Information
April 1984

“FYI: For Your Information,” New Era, Apr. 1984, 40

For Your Information

Character building begins in our infancy and continues until death.

—Anna Eleanor Roosevelt

Honoring Pioneers

The Fort Union cemetery is one of the oldest in the Salt Lake Valley. For literally decades, various youth groups have sponsored cleanup efforts, but after a year or so the weeds would grow back and the cemetery would again fall into disrepair.

The Union 14th Ward, Sandy Utah Cottonwood Creek Stake, wanted to change that trend. They wanted to beautify the cemetery permanently. The Young Women and the Young Men of the ward volunteered to take on the project for the summer. They needed to raise money and obtain donations to add a sprinkling system, a black-topped driveway, electrical wiring for lighting, and grass sod. The youth rolled up their sleeves and went to work. They baked hundreds of strawberry pies for sale and staged other fund raisers. They contacted local businesses for donations of labor and materials and solicited contributions from those interested in the project.

Under the direction of some construction professionals, the youth added the muscle as the physical cleanup began. The cemetery was completed with lawn, landscaping, display area, and benches. Elder Boyd K. Packer of the Council of the Twelve presided at the outdoor dedication services. He said, “Joseph Smith said the measure and test of a people is the way in which they care for their dead.” Indicating the newly redone cemetery, Elder Packer concluded, “Through your work here, you have paid a fitting tribute to your pioneer past.”

Musical Girl

Denise Botts of Union City, California, received a trophy for being the outstanding senior on her dance team at James Logan High School. The team competed successfully throughout California.

Denise also played the lead in the school’s musical. Even though she was involved in an automobile accident a few days before she was to audition for the part, she was released from the hospital in time to compete and was awarded the part.

Denise is secretary of her Laurel class in the Union City Ward, Hayward California Stake.

Perfect Attendance

Steven Lawson of the Crestview Ward, Pensacola Florida Stake, attained the distinction of having 13 years of perfect attendance in public schools including kindergarten.

Steven is an Eagle Scout and attended the world jamboree held in Canada last summer.

Steven served as president of his early-morning seminary class during his senior year. He played varsity football during both junior high and high school.

Two Sisters

Catherine and Caryn Christiansen of Pleasanton, California, had successful years in school. Catherine was a cheerleader, student-body vice-president, and homecoming queen. She plans to study ballet in college.

Caryn was a sophomore class officer and cheerleader. She was elected as song leader and junior class representative.

Both sisters love to ski, attend early-morning seminary, and have served as Mutual class presidents. They attend the Livermore 3rd Ward, Pleasanton California Stake.

Outstanding Boy

Scott Anderson of Hobbs, New Mexico, received the Most Outstanding Boy Award from the local American Legion. The award was made upon the recommendation of the school faculty.

Scott’s busy schedule included early-morning seminary, earning his Eagle badge, and lettering in three sports. He was also on the honor roll for his three years of high school.

Scott is a member of the Hobbs Ward, Roswell New Mexico Stake.

English Winner

Lisa Wesenberg of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, won the National Council of Teachers of English award. She is planning to major in communications in college.

Lisa, the only LDS girl in her high school, was elected as a prom court member, as the class speaker at graduation, and as the girl with the best personality in her senior class.

Lisa is a member of the Oshkosh Branch of the Wisconsin Milwaukee Mission.

Computer Whiz

Jimmy Armstrong won first place in the national Olympics of the Mind computer competition for middle school students held in Michigan. He and six other students began competition in their hometown of Charleston, South Carolina. He and his group took first place in a competition held at the University of South Carolina, qualifying them to compete in the finals.

Jimmy is a member of the Hanahan Ward, Charleston South Carolina Stake, where he is actively involved in Scouting and in his teachers quorum.

Seven Laurels

All seven second-year Laurels of the White Rock Ward of the Santa Fe New Mexico Stake have excelled both in school and in the Young Women program. Andrea Whetten, Carol Stevenson, Jennie Nielsen, Sheryl Bennion, Kerry Builta, Ann Marie Rice, and Ellen Jensen have been active in high school activities including honor society, thespians, orchestra, jazz bands, marching band, and chamber singers. All received academic scholarships. They also all earned their Young Womanhood awards.

Patriotic Program

Three wards, Weiser 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, of the Weiser Idaho Stake, combined efforts in presenting a musical and dance program on a patriotic theme for their town’s Fourth of July celebration. Their purpose was to give the youth an opportunity to develop their talents and provide an aid for missionary efforts in the area.

The local football stadium was reserved for the outdoor event. A brief narration describing the development of the nation tied together presentations of group dances and songs. Dances included the minuet, round dance, square dance, Charleston, swing, jitterbug, disco, and waltz.

An appreciative audience watched as the 350 participants presented the program.

Fledgling Scientist

Michele Connella took first place in the local science fair for the second consecutive year. Her project involved the study of the effects of radiation on plants.

Michele is an honor student at Goose Creek High School in Charleston, South Carolina. She is a member of the Junior Engineering Technological Society and Science Club.

Michele is a Laurel in the Hanahan Ward, Charleston South Carolina Stake.

Sports Star

Rick Seemann has become a well-rounded, accomplished athlete. He won the Montana Little Guy Wrestling Championship in the 138-pound division. He placed in five different track events in every track meet he attended last year including first in discus and mile relay, second in the 800-meter and 400-meter runs, and third in the shotput. He also played in the starting five of his basketball team.

Rick is active in his teachers quorum activities in the Superior Branch of the Missoula Montana Stake.

High Honors

Two students in the Crossett-Monticello Branch seminary of the Arkansas Little Rock Mission were named as valedictorians of their respective schools’ graduating classes.

Virginia Kulketh graduated at the top of her class at Wilmar High School. Tony Strickland graduated with top honors in his class at Crossett High School.

Early Riser

Scott Hansen was honored by the Palm Springs regional seminaries for having four years of 100 percent attendance at early-morning seminary.

Scott completed his fourth year of seminary at Moreno Valley High School although he finished high school one year early and has been attending school at San Bernardino Valley College.

Scott is a member of the Sunnymead Ward, Riverside California Stake.

Two Speakers

Two members of the Castro Valley Second Ward, San Leandro California Stake, were selected to speak at the commencement ceremonies of Castro Valley High School. Neal Robison and Mark Hancock were selected from the senior class.

Both young men are Eagle Scouts and members of the Order of the Arrow. Both are life members of the California Scholarship Federation. Neal also served as student-body president of the school.