June 1985

“Feedback,” New Era, June 1985, 3



Recently my boyfriend left on his mission, and despite the fact that I’d been encouraging him to go for 3 1/2 years, I found myself almost pleading with him to stay home. He stayed with some friends before entering the MTC, and I knew that if I tried hard enough I could convince him to come home before he entered the MTC. But instead of trying to think of ways to get him home, I turned to my Heavenly Father, the scriptures, and the New Era. I have been receiving the New Era for five years, and until now I had never completely read one. I was truly amazed at the comfort I received from the articles. Now I’ve gone through the whole house and found all my old issues. Whenever I feel lonely and start missing my missionary I read a New Era, and like an answer to prayer there is always something to comfort me. It usually has to do with missionary work, and it makes me realize how important it really is that I support my boyfriend so that we can both grow close to our Heavenly Father. Now, thanks to the New Era, when I write to my missionary I can encourage him!

Mindy Darton
Knoxville, Tennessee


I am serving a mission in the Michigan Dearborn Mission. Every month I get the New Era, and I get so spiritually uplifted because of the stories I read there. I am a convert of only four years. It’s so nice to be a member of the Church and to serve a mission for the Church and the Lord. I just want to say thanks for a great magazine. It has really helped me since I have been on my mission.

Elder Brett Wiseman
Michigan Dearborn Mission

In the mind forever

As a parent of two teenagers I am especially appreciative of this fine magazine. My oldest daughter reads it faithfully every month. I am writing to praise you for the Mormonads. I laminate them and hang them in a prominent place. A well-thought-out picture will stay in the mind forever, springing forth in a time of need. I only wish there were an ad every month.

Diane Walker
Bakersfield, California

You will never know

I was helping my mom look through a pile of Ensigns when I found a stack of New Eras that dated all the way back to the early 1970s. I was only born in 1971! I started flipping through them, and I am now addicted to this magazine. I have always been the “sweet” one of the family, but I have recently started taking wrong paths that would eventually lead me away from Heavenly Father. Nothing really serious like moral problems or drugs, but I was using bad language and thinking bad thoughts.

I now realize that I have done wrong. I prayed for help very earnestly, and I didn’t doubt the Lord, but I wasn’t sure it was enough. A couple of days later I found these magazines and their very spiritual articles, and I am fasting now. I have never fasted before in my lifetime. I am fasting with a happy countenance because I am thanking the Lord for all he has done for me. You will never know how special this experience is for me.

Lizabeth Bartlett
Ralston, Nebraska

Imagine my dismay

I’m a recent subscriber to the New Era. In fact, it is a gift subscription. I respect and love animals, so you can imagine my dismay upon reading the article “Hunting Accident” in the November 1984 issue. Nowhere in this piece could I find a word against hunting down animals or birds.

Flavia Sayner
Century City, California

Taking along a friend

I am a welfare missionary, and our area often covers whole districts or stakes. While driving in the San Pablo District my companion and I often spend two to three hours going from one town to another. On these trips one of my best friends to take along is the New Era. It helps to pass the time on these long journeys, and it is also an excellent way to keep my mind on spiritual things. It’s a special experience to be able to serve among such choice souls here in the Philippines. The New Era is so full of wonderful stories. I just love to read it.

Sister Lesley McLaehlan
Philippines Manila Mission

I get excited

I really enjoy the New Era. Every month I get excited when it’s time for it to come. As soon as I get a chance, I read it. Thanks for publishing it each month.

Debbie Glines
Tridell, Utah


Thank you for the wonderful January-February edition of the New Era. I am a senior in high school, and my life has been filled with many concerns about colleges and career opportunities. I have been overwhelmed with all the decisions and the numerous forms I have been forced to face and deal with. The only comfort I’ve found was in kneeling and praying to my Heavenly Father. I know that this particular edition of the New Era was another way in which the Lord helped me to cope with the confusion of making my decision. The New Era is often an answer to my prayers!

Michelle Marchant
Salt Lake City, Utah
