January 1987

“Feedback,” New Era, Jan. 1987, 3



I have always loved to read the New Era. The March 1986 issue came a few days before we were to go down to Washington, D.C., to go to the temple. My older sister and I decided to save the New Era to read in the car on the way down. But neither of us could wait that long. We both secretly read it. Later, I felt guilty that I had cheated, so I admitted it to my sister. She started laughing and admitted it also. That just goes to show how well the New Era is enjoyed in our home. Thanks so much for publishing it. It is a real strength to me.

Melissa Boyer
Willowdale, Ontario, Canada


YES! YES! Indeed! I do! I do want to be able to order Mormonads in poster form! Especially the one with the blue telephone and headline “Need to talk? With prayer you’ll never get a busy signal” in the June 1985 issue, and the one in December 1985 with the scriptures and the breakfast place setting.

Because we live in an apartment complex, and sometimes the mailman puts the magazines in the slot out in the open, I have missed many of our magazines. Therefore, I have been concerned that I have possibly missed some great Mormonads that I would like. So I suggest that you provide a catalog of the Mormonads instead of relying on our memories of our favorites.

Carma L. S. Helga
Concord, California

Through your eyes

I just read an old issue of the New Era dated April 1985. It was sent to me by my younger sister who is on a mission. I love to read all the Church books and publications but can’t afford to buy or subscribe to any of them. The only chance I get to read them is when the owner’s done with them and lends them to me or gives them to me after a couple of months. Anyway, I know that the messages never grow old. To me, it’s always new and equally uplifting. I really appreciate all the articles which help build my testimony and appreciation for life.

The article that I appreciate the most in the April 1985 issue was the one authored and photographed by Anselm Spring, “The Meadow.”

I am a lover of nature myself, but an eye defect makes it impossible to see small details. Still, I thought I had appreciated the beautiful creations of God—until I saw Anselm Spring’s photographs in “The Meadow.” I agree with him when he says that the eye of a carnal man is limited. The most exquisite things are too small for my eyes to see. How I thrilled to see all those dew drops, the glittering spider web, and those capes of diamonds as he described them.

I’d like to thank you, Brother Spring, for helping me see these things. I hope you won’t mind if I look at the beauty of the earth through your eyes. What I’ve seen through you I know I would never be able to see in my whole lifetime. Please keep sharing God’s wonderful creations.

Mary Hazel Librea
Dipolog City, Philippines

I would invest

I read with interest the letter in the Feedback section of the April 1986 New Era concerning the desire of a seminary teacher for Mormonad posters. I too love the Mormonads, and I watched with sadness as my daughter left home because she took most of the Mormonads off to school with her. I hope that you get a great response to your question about interest in Mormonad posters. I for one would invest in them.

Nancy Rockwell
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

Instead of judging

In the January 1986 issue of the New Era there was a letter in the Feedback section called “Lost Sheep.” I would like to thank Elder Robert R. Escobar for that letter. You see, I am the lost sheep he wrote about. The Harley-Davidson story is true for me. It is because of my mother and friends like Elder Escobar who never judged me and who gave me lots of love and encouragement that I’m not lost anymore. Now I am on a mission serving the Lord and loving it! I look forward to reading the New Era each month as it lifts my spirit. It is my prayer that we can all love our friends and family instead of judging them. I know it works.

Elder Michael W. Taylor
Washington Spokane Mission

Behind you

I am writing in response to the question in the April New Era about Mormonad posters.

I think that they are a great idea. The scripture poster in the December New Era is a constant reminder for me to read my scriptures. I strongly encourage the printing of the New Era Mormonad posters. I’m behind you all the way!

Jill Holtman
Malta, Idaho


I am an avid reader of the New Era, and I have been reading it since November of 1985 when my friends gave me a gift subscription. How wonderful it is to have friends like them. If it had not been for them, I still might not know about the New Era. As I read the New Era I get a happy feeling inside of me. I have come to realize how hard it really is to become as perfect as I want to be, but I will keep trying. I want to express my thanks to Brother and Sister Cullimore for giving me all the wonderful stories and poems that come to me as a result of their gift subscription.

Marites Bautista

Twelve of your favorite Mormonads are now available from Church Distribution as 14-by-20-inch posters. You can buy the whole set for $6.00. There is an order form on page 51 of the September 1986 New Era. The New Era also welcomes Mormonad ideas from our readers. We pay $25 for each Mormonad we purchase. Editor
