“FYI: For Your Information,” New Era, Jan. 1987, 41
For Your Information
Practice in life whatever you pray for, and God will give it to you more abundantly.
—Edward Bouverie Pusey
Concert Pianist
Deborah Black of Idaho Falls, Idaho, enjoys music, and she enjoys sharing her talent. She was selected to play the piano with the Idaho Falls Civic Symphony. She received an outstanding critical review and an enthusiastic audience response.
When asked if she gets bored working so hard on her performance pieces, she said, “No, you explore and find different ways to play it. There’s always something to work on.”
In addition to her piano, Debbie served as president of the school’s a cappella choir. She also participated in French and German clubs. She attends the Idaho Falls 31st Ward, Idaho Falls Idaho Central Stake, where she was secretary in her Laurel class.
Budding Scientist
Keola Bandmann of Page, Arizona, received a national science award after being recommended by his chemistry teacher. Keola also enjoys sports, and after his first year on the varsity football team, he was offered a scholarship to a community college.
Keola says, “I am especially grateful for the values and standards set by the Church. And I am ever so grateful to my parents who love and help me in almost everything I do.”
Keola is a priest in the Page Third Ward, Page Arizona Stake.
On the Ball
Dale Stanton, 13, of Friendswood Ward, Friendswood Texas Stake, loves sports. He plays on a recreational basketball team that has won their competitions four years straight. He also plays quarterback on his school’s football team, ran the 100-yard hurdles, and played shortstop in baseball.
Dale’s baseball team won the city of Houston championship, then went on to win the state of Texas championships. Of his efforts in sports, Dale says, “I just play my hardest and do my best and it turns out good.”
In addition to sports, Dale is an excellent student and plays the french horn in band. He is the deacons quorum president in his ward.
Long Game
Jay Worley of the Roanoke Third Ward, Roanoke Virginia Stake, had the unique distinction of being the only high school student to participate in a marathon slow-pitch softball game that set a world record.
The game was set up between the Navy and Marine Corps. Recruited just minutes before the game began, Jay played in the world’s longest softball game of 330 innings, lasting 96 hours and 10 minutes. The purpose of the game was to raise funds for handicapped children.
Jay has earned his Eagle badge with three palms. He plays football, basketball, volleyball, and softball for his school. He serves as second counselor of his priests quorum and is the past president of his teachers and deacons quorums. In his free time, he enjoys playing the guitar and writing poetry and music.
Three Brothers
The Phipps brothers of Jordan, Montana, are highly visible members of their high school and of their branch. Clyde, 14, was president of the freshman class. He has trophies for first place in both chess and checker tournaments. He was selected as freshman prince for Homecoming.
Kyle, 16, was chosen as prince of the junior class for Homecoming. He is an honor student and plays on the varsity basketball team.
Tony, 18, was chosen as Homecoming king. He also plays varsity basketball and is in the rodeo club.
All three brothers attend seminary and enjoy reading, horseback riding, and waterskiing. They are members of the Jordan Branch, Montana Billings Mission.
Talented Musician
Kimberly Jones of Hopkinsville, Kentucky, is a talented musician. She plays the oboe, flute, clarinet, and piano. As an oboe player, she has been chosen for four consecutive years to play in the All-District and Quad-State bands. She was also the field commander for the marching band.
In addition to her music, Kim enjoys swimming, waterskiing, golf, tennis, and softball.
Kim served as the Laurel president and assistant pianist for the Hopkinsville First Ward, Hopkinsville Kentucky Stake.
Great Blessing
Many youth in the Church have had the opportunity to do baptisms for the dead, but for the priests and Laurels of the Adelaide Australia Modbury Stake, this great blessing has come only in recent times with the completion of the Sydney Australia Temple.
Even so, the trip to Sydney was a long one. As a fund-raising project, the young people committed to deliver 50,000 telephone directories. With many ward members helping, the youth spent Saturdays and many evenings making the deliveries.
The 26 enthusiastic youth attended two baptismal sessions. Many were baptized for their own ancestors or those of other members of the stake.
What may have seemed like a trial to some when they had spent several Saturdays delivering heavy directories turned out to be one of the most wonderful experiences of their lives.
Sing a Song
Ann Wily of the Shelton Second Ward, Elma Washington Stake, uses her beautiful singing voice to serve the Church and her community.
Ann has written and performed several songs for various Church functions. She also performs with her sisters and family. In addition, Ann is asked to sing the national anthem before sporting events at her high school, where she is also a cheerleader. Ann is active in drama and has had the lead in school musicals.
State Champ
Clint Stoddard of Tucson, Arizona, set a goal and achieved it through hard work. After coming in second the previous year, he set a goal to become the state wrestling champion in his weight class.
He played football to keep in shape for wrestling. In addition, he kept up his high grades and served as seminary president. In the state wrestling tournament, he was named state champ.
Clint is a priest in the Tucson 13th Ward, Tucson Arizona North Stake.
Twin Eagles
Don and Dan Kurtz of Umatilla, Oregon, both received their Eagle Awards in a joint court of honor. Dan also received the Lifesaving Heroism Award for saving a fellow Scouter during a swimming activity.
Both Dan and Don have been outstanding students in addition to playing football and basketball on their school teams. Don served as student-body president, and Dan was the president of National Honor Society.
The Kurtz brothers are members of the Umatilla Ward, Hermiston Oregon Stake.
New Record
Pete Beeson of Gibbon, Nebraska, was a member of the 800-meter relay team that set a new national record at the Junior Olympics. The team won the same event at both the regional and national meets of TAC, the Athletic Congress.
Pete was voted “Athlete of the Year” for the midwestern division of TAC. In addition, he is an excellent student and is a member of National Honor Society. He has also served as vice president of his high school class and as seminary president.
Pete is a priest in the Kearney Nebraska Branch, Missouri Independence Mission.
Two Examples
Lara Phalp and Monique Payne of the Excelsior Springs Ward, Liberty Missouri Stake, were both honored in a celebration at their high school. Lara was crowned as Homecoming queen and Monique was the senior princess.
Lara served as an officer in National Honor Society, a member of the student council, and as yearbook photographer. She also served as Laurel president in the ward.
Monique served as a cheerleader, in National Honor Society, and as senior class secretary. She is a past president of her Laurel class and serves as pianist for the ward choir and for seminary.
National Finalist
Dennis Jenkins of Redwood City Ward, Menlo Park California Stake, was selected as one of 20 national finalists in the national Student Involvement Program with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The program makes it possible for student science projects to be conducted in space. Dennis submitted a proposal to his chemistry teacher concerning strengthening an alloy known as duralumin.
Dennis served as the president of his sophomore class in high school. He was on both the football and the track teams. He also enjoys playing jazz saxophone and clarinet in the school band and classical piano at home.
On a Quest
Two enthusiastic young women of the Modbury Ward, Adelaide Australia Modbury Stake, entered the Junior Miss South Australia Quest and achieved great results. The Quest is an annual affair held to raise money for research for the Epilepsy Association of South Australia.
Debbie Johnson, 14, and Sandra Moore, 15, put in many long hours in raising funds. Their families and friends were supportive and helpful.
Debbie placed third in her age-group and Sandra took first place.
Deborah Black
Keola Bandmann
Dale Stanton
Jay Worley
Clyde, Kyle, and Tony Phipps
Kimberly Jones
Ann Wily
Clint Stoddard
Don and Dan Kurtz
Pete Beeson