“Feedback,” New Era, May 1988, 3
There is life after Young Women!
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the author of the article “Onward and Upward,” which was published in the July 1987 issue of the New Era.
I recently turned 18, graduated from high school and seminary, and was eagerly contemplating my future plans for college. But I overlooked the fact that I would no longer be a Laurel in the Young Women organization, and would now be advanced into the Relief Society program. My first realization of this advancement came to me the Sunday afternoon that my mother pulled me aside and whispered in my ear, “Next week you get to come to Relief Society with me.” The big grin on her face and warm hug she gave me persuaded me to try to hide the fear and anxiety I then felt.
During the following week, I continuously thought of the upcoming Sunday. One fear I had was the thought of all the old mothers and grandmothers sitting around discussing the various ways they each knit. And I figured each lesson would be about disciplining children.
With this anxious feeling I walked into the Relief Society room that Sunday. I was surprised to hear them talking about education. This spurred my interests, and I eagerly listened. But then one of the sisters mentioned something to the point that youth didn’t care about their educations and never did until college.
That got me upset, and I became convinced that there was some kind of a rivalry going on between the older sisters and the youth.
I tried my hardest to miss Relief Society from then on, and I was graciously assisted when my sister had to work and I got to substitute in her Primary class.
One evening I picked up the New Era and was skimming through the pages when I came across the above-mentioned article. My eyes were immediately drawn to the words “Is there life after Young Women?” At that moment I was overcome with the Spirit, and tears began welling up in my eyes. It made me feel comforted to know that I wasn’t the only person going through this problem and that other young people actually seemed to enjoy Relief Society. It gave me new courage to face up to the Relief Society sisters and to join in with them.
Ever since that experience, I’ve realized that I can really enjoy Relief Society. I’m excited to learn new skills that will help me and enhance my future. I’m especially looking forward to the Relief Society program at BYU, since that is where I will be attending college this year. Again I would like to thank the author for her inspiring message.
Terri Hensley
Alamogordo, New Mexico
Camp years
I would really like to say thanks a bunch for the article in the July 1987 issue about the girls’ camp in Texas. Although I didn’t go to camp “deep in the heart of Texas,” the experiences and feelings are the same.
As I read the article it reminded me intensely of my own six years at camp in Vernal, Utah. The rainy weather, jokes, skits, campfire songs, midnight hikes, and testimony meetings all helped to make camp years so nifty.
This is the first year I haven’t been able to go to camp, and this article helped bring a bit of home clear out here.
LaReesa Knight
Sharon, Massachusetts
My magazine
I love the New Era! I am so glad my family subscribes to it! I am the only teenager in my home, so the New Era is mainly considered my magazine. I keep it in my room so I can read my favorite stories and issues over and over again. One of my favorite issues is February 1987. Ever since I was a little girl I have wanted to be married in the temple. So I especially liked the story “A Marvelous Work.” It meant a lot to me.
Sarah Dalton
Taylorsville, Utah
Scott’s gift
Thank you for such a super magazine. I really enjoy reading all of the inspiring articles, and I am glad the Church publishes a magazine that lifts me up and that I can relate to.
I especially enjoyed the story “Scott’s Gift” by A. Lynn Scoresby in the May 1985 issue. That story helped me understand how one handicapped boy could give so much in his life in just ordinary situations. Thank you, Lynn, for such a special story. I am looking forward to future issues.
Allison Brown
Alpine, Utah
Hungry walls
For the past four months I have been looking forward to getting the New Era in the mail, but each time I was disappointed that the issue I received didn’t have a Mormonad in it. The Mormonads in the past have given me so much inspiration and personal strength that I have decorated my bedroom wall with my favorites. Part of my room is still bare and hungering for more ads.
Janna Jossie
Phoenix, Arizona
The New Era has helped me out a lot this last year. The Church has made a great impact on my life. We were inactive and started going back to church, which was the best thing my family could ever do.
We subscribed to the New Era and the Ensign. The Mormonads and articles really help me out a lot. They help me make lifetime goals. The February 1987 Mormonad really influenced me.
I have eagerly waited for each new issue, hoping to find a Mormonad for my wall or an interesting article. Every issue has helped my testimony, and I thought the least I could do was write and tell you how thankful I am.
Bonni Sieber
Lafayette, Oregon