“Contents,” New Era, Feb. 1991 New Era February 1991 Volume 21, Number 2 Contents FeedbackLetters to the editor. The Message: The Power of Your ExampleElder Joe J. ChristensenYou are always being watched. What are you teaching? Mormonad: Ready to Serve? Unfinished PrayerAnita CharlesA brush with death provides a lesson in the power of a prayerful life. Too MuchKirsten AndersenExcessive adornment can weigh down the spirit as well as the body. Off CourseDonald StokesA 12-year-old pilot gets a lesson in following directions. Mormonisms Q&A: Questions and AnswersI have trouble with my weight. How can I feel normal around “skinny” people? Doing Well in WellingtonJanet ThomasYoung women in New Zealand find strength in their rich heritage. Three O’clock CharityBrian HeckertStrangers on a subway demonstrate that kindness must become habitual. The Mouse That RoarsAdrian GostickDoug Johnson, Houston computer whiz, is programmed for success. Fiction: Dates Don’t Grow on TreesAnne C. BradshawDate him? But he’s just a friend! Scripture Lifeline: The Answer in the IndexDoreen NeumannThe Book of Mormon held comfort. The index pointed the way. Tough Questions, Solid AnswersThe New Era can help you in discussing “For the Strength of Youth.” FYI: For Your Information Darwin and the GoliathsChris CroweHow a small athlete overcame the odds. And how you can, too. The Silent TreatmentMichael PetroffDad was mum for three days and taught me a powerful lesson in listening. Photo of the MonthJonathan Baet Poetry: Pieces of EternityDayle King Searle Cover: Doug Johnson is a computer whiz whose software sells nationally. Aside from that, he’s just a normal young Latter-day Saint. Cover photography: Don Heit (front), John Luke (back).