August 1991

“Feedback,” New Era, Aug. 1991, 50


A true champion

Thanks for the article “A True Champion” in the March 1991 issue. I was impressed that a starting basketball player would give up her playing time for another girl. She was selfless because she knew the other girl’s father might not live much longer.

I learned that being kind because you want to overshadows being nice for some reward.

Peter Nielson
Bluewater, New Mexico

Helping with happiness

The New Era is my favorite magazine! You can’t imagine how much of an influence you have made on me. Your articles are so inspiring and uplifting. Come to think of it, the New Era is just one of the little things that makes me really happy to be a Mormon.

Elizabeth Klingsporn
Darwin, Australia

Saints in service

I enjoyed the article “Inner City Angels” in the April 1991 issue. I always thought youth conferences had to be expensive and elaborate to be fun, but this article showed just how fun service can be. I hope I may be able to experience something like this.

Erin Pinney
South Jordan,Utah

Found out for herself

I once felt the same way as Robert Cutter in the article “I Found Out for Myself,” in the April New Era.

Since I am hearing impaired, I didn’t know how to find out if the Church is true. A friend helped me get started and in time I learned how important the Book of Mormon is and that I can understand more through prayer. I am grateful for the gospel and Heavenly Father, because I found out for myself, too.

Sister Jennifer Lewis
Alaska Anchorage Mission

What’s burning?

I appreciated the article “The Burning Came Later” in the May 1991 issue. I too have been a member of the Church all my life, living with a strong, solid, LDS family and having good LDS friends.

I thought I was doing something wrong, because I never felt that wonderful burning sensation that my friends got when they prayed or bore their testimony. I realize now that I got my answers and felt his love in other ways. This article has made me much more aware of the different responses I do receive.

I want to thank you with all my heart.

T. L.
Mesa, Arizona

Bus stop lesson

My heart was touched by the article “The Bus Stop.” Although I’ve always been a member of the Church, this article reminded me that as Mormons, we should have love and acceptance for everyone.

Emily House
Liberty, Texas

A life saver

I was baptized Easter day 1990, but for a while my interest in the Church diminished. After reading your magazine I feel encouraged to attend church meetings regularly, study the Book of Mormon, and clean up my life.

Thank you for literally saving the rest of my life.

Name withheld
Spring Valley, California
