In His Image
February 1995

“In His Image,” New Era, Feb. 1995, 45

In His Image

In his face she saw someone who loved her—not a stranger.

Our stake takes charge of providing sacrament meeting at a local care center. One Sunday, while waiting for the meeting to start, I saw an act of kindness I will never forget.

In the few minutes before the meeting, I decided to visit Verna, a resident who didn’t have any family visitors. I approached Verna’s room and noticed her standing in the hallway. Before I could reach her, she latched onto the arm of one of the Aaronic Priesthood boys who happened to be passing by. She looked up into his tanned face and cried, “David, my David, you have come to see me.”

The young man, a stranger, stopped. He didn’t ignore her or give her an awkward pat on the shoulder. He didn’t tell her that he was not her David. Instead, he smiled down at her, gently put his arms around her, held her tightly, and kissed her on the cheek as he would his own mother. While he carefully walked down the hall with his arm still affectionately around her, I heard her exclaim again, “Oh, David, my David.”

Tears sprang to my eyes to witness such a display of unconditional love. I was touched by this young man’s sensitivity and concern. He didn’t know Verna, but he knew her need, her loneliness. His example taught me what it really means to care for another human being.

Illustrated by Robert Barrett

Photography by Craig Dimond
