February 1995

“Feedback,” New Era, Feb. 1995, 50


A difficult good-bye

Thank you for printing “The Different One” in the February 1994 issue. I broke up with some friends who are really popular but do things that make me feel bad about myself. I’m only 12, and it was hard even though it was something I meant to do for a while. When they pushed me to the limits, I had to say good-bye.

Name Withheld

She’s got it covered

I’m 37 years old and have been reading the New Era ever since it started. When I married, I continued ordering the magazine, along with the Ensign. I read it cover to cover every month and really enjoy it. Thank you for all the years of great reading you’ve given me.

Sylvia Edwards
Blacktown, New South Wales

Never a doubt

I just wanted to say I love the New Era. I don’t have a doubt when I pick up an issue of the New Era that it is of my same moral standards. It’s good to know I don’t need to question this magazine’s quality by asking, “Is this what Jesus would read?” I always know it will be.

Aimee Cazier
Saginaw, Michigan

Pointed out

I want to thank you personally for the story “Testimony Power” (June 1994). As I read it, it reminded me so much of what was happening to me. I truly thank you for pointing this out to me.

Onnicka Osbourne
Portmore, Jamaica

Straight into her heart

I just recently moved here from the Philippines, and it has been very hard to be away from my family, friends, and loved ones. Many times I feel so alone. While I was waiting for my New Era subscription to be processed, I would borrrow the New Era from the ward library. The first magazine to arrive was the April 1994 issue. It gave me so much inspiration, especially when I opened the Mormonad poster and saw the words that went straight into my heart: “You Are Never Alone.” Every single article in that issue just made me realize how much I feel my Savior’s love and the appreciation I have for the Atonement in my life. Thanks for that wonderful issue.

Evelyn T. Bautista
St. Louis, Missouri

Small miracles not necessary

I just want to say thank you for the article “View from Celestial Ridge” in the June 1994 issue. I read the article a few nights before I completed the Book of Mormon. When I knelt down and prayed, I didn’t get an answer quite like I expected either. When I remembered this article, I went back and reread it. I was then that I discovered I didn’t need any small miracles. I already had a testimony. Thank you for the magazine and how it is able to help me.

Tracy Cottam
Alta Loma, California


We printed a great story in the December 1994 issue, “With Heart and Voice,” about the youth choir of the Rocklin California Stake. The only problem was we spelled the name of their stake Rockland. We apologize for the error.
