July 1998

“Feedback,” New Era, July 1998, 50


Truly does

Thank you so much for printing the article “My Brother” (Jan. 1996). When I read this, I just simply couldn’t hold back the tears. I knew of the love our Savior must have had for me; I just never really appreciated it before. I felt the Spirit so much, and I know my Savior does truly love me. I thank him for his sacrifice for me so I can someday return to him. Thank you again for printing this article. It meant a lot to me.

Stephney Segesman
Barstow, California

Feeling fine

I always feel fine whenever I get the magazine. The New Era is good because of the message it carries. The New Era has helped me a lot through its articles.

Nkereuwem Effiong
Uyo, Nigeria

Making the right choice

I recently read the article titled “Last on the List” in the November 1997 issue. I especially love this article because I can relate to it. I have just been chosen to serve as the new Beehive president in our ward, and I faced the same challenges Lisa did in the story. It was a hard choice because everyone was so perfect for the spots. I prayed and asked my Heavenly Father to help me make the right choices. I was given the answer to call as my second counselor a girl who doesn’t have very many friends. Now I know that she is truly right for the position. Thank you once again for that wonderful message.

Name Withheld

More than worth it

I am so thankful for “All Is Not Well” in the November 1997 issue. I, too, at one time was the only active member of the Church in my family. I know of the pain and frustration of an upset home. I found the strength to endure when I immersed myself into the gospel. Life was not easy during those years, but it was more than worth it. The struggle is worth it because today I know my Savior is real. There is hope. It took three years for my family to come back, but when we did we brought my sister-in-law as well. I want to thank the New Era for this article. The scriptures were my guide then and today I know how to use them as my guide home.

Name Withheld

Best things

A million thanks to the New Era for “Spiritually on Target” (Oct. 1997). I’ve only subscribed for one year, but it has really inspired me as I’ve read about the experiences of all the members of the Church around the world. I’m married to a nonmember, and I had been inactive in the Church for almost 12 years. Despite this, my heart always craved to be spiritually led to the right path. Subscribing to the New Era was one of the best things that ever happened to me.

Minda Gunting Dillon
Beenleigh, Queensland, Australia

Hope for a happy ending

Thank you so much for printing the article “Gift Exchange” in the December 1997 issue. I had a strikingly similar experience in junior high with some girls I thought would always be my friends. Your article helped me know that others had suffered through those problems and that being Christlike is always the best solution for any given situation. I hope the ending to my story turns out so well.

Jethelyn Haverfield
Lewiston, Idaho
