The Bulletin Board
July 1998

“The Bulletin Board,” New Era, July 1998, 46

The Bulletin Board

Standing Tall

Ben Hartsock, a priest from Bartlesville, Oklahoma, is an impressive six-feet, nine-inches tall, but he still looks up to Ruby McAdams, his Sunday School teacher.

“Even though Sister McAdams is only four-feet, ten-inches tall, she is a real spiritual giant to me and all the other kids she has taught,” says Ben.

A New Beginning

These young women are starting something new in their home country of Pakistan. For the first New Beginnings program ever to be held in Taxila, Pakistan, the girls wore their native dress, called shalwar qemeez, in the value colors.

Strawberry Fields Forever

These youth from the Dayton Ohio Stake could literally taste the sweetness of service at their youth conference. In addition to touring Church historic sites in the Kirtland area, having a fireside in the Kirtland Temple, and camping at the John Johnson Farm (a Church historic site in Kirtland), they also picked strawberries at the Johnson Farm to be canned at the nearby Church cannery.

Brain Bender

By Jim Bailey

The following passage contains the names of the books in the Book of Mormon. See if you can find them all:

In the Book of Mormon there are 15 separate books. If you use each name once, there are 11 different books. I have hidden them in these paragraphs. You can be confident all 11 are present.

To find them may not be as easy as you might think. The strain might not be for everyone. Philippians, as an example, is not in here because it is found in the Bible. You may get stuck, especially since the names are not always capitalized and often leap the spaces between the words. For some, the results of a similar challenge were dismal. Matter of fact, they felt like Jacob of old. Lost.

Finding these books could be like finding the cure for cancer, hidden under a rock on the moon or in a fungus in someone’s pickle jar. Omissions, and this might seem tough, cannot be accepted.

Now here is something serious to contemplate. Nose bleeds can result if you strain your brain too hard. Please be careful. Before I finished my first try I thought, “I’m not a moron; I just can’t see it. I’m not omniscient, after all.”

Then the words of Mosiah 9:17 came to my mind, “Yea, in the strength of the Lord did we go forth to battle against the Lamanites; for I and my people did cry mightily to the Lord that he would deliver us out of the hands of our enemies, for we were awakened to a remembrance of the deliverance of our fathers.” Wow! Strength and deliverance. Everything I needed was in the scriptures.


  • In the Book of Mormon there are 15 separate books. If you use each name once, there are 11 different books. I have hidden them in these paragraphs. You can be confident all 11 are present.

    To find them may not be as easy as you might think. The strain might not be for everyone. Philippians, as an example, is not in here because it is found in the Bible. You may get stuck, especially since the names are not always capitalized and often leap the spaces between the words. For some, the results of a similar challenge were dismal. Matter of fact, they felt like Jacob of old. Lost.

    Finding these books could be like finding the cure for cancer, hidden under a rock on the moon or in a fungus in someone’s pickle jar. Omissions, and this might seem tough, cannot be accepted.

    Now here is something serious to contemplate. Nose bleeds can result if you strain your brain too hard. Please be careful. Before I finished my first try I thought, “I’m not a moron; I just can’t see it. I’m not omniscient, after all.”

    Then the words of Mosiah 9:17 came to my mind, “Yea, in the strength of the Lord did we go forth to battle against the Lamanites; for I and my people did cry mightily to the Lord that he would deliver us out of the hands of our enemies, for we were awakened to a remembrance of the deliverance of our fathers.” Wow! Strength and deliverance. Everything I needed was in the scriptures.
