Idea List: Just-Right Activity Nights
April 2000

“Idea List: Just-Right Activity Nights,” New Era, Apr. 2000, 37

Idea List:

Just-Right Activity Nights

Stumped for things to do for activity night? Read on for New Era readers’ most memorable activities:

  • Learn formal table manners at a combined “etiquette dinner.”

  • Swing dance as part of a combined activity, or learn another kind of dance (see the Church’s Dance Manual, available with cassettes from your ward library or distribution center).

  • Host an “appreciation dinner” for the bishopric or an auxiliary presidency. Serve them as if they’re at a restaurant.

  • Have a New Era bowl. Ask everyone months in advance to read each issue of the magazine. At the bowl, ask teams predetermined questions about articles. Award small prizes to winning teams.

  • A stake in Vancouver, Washington, had a “Senior Prom.” Youth sent elderly members invitations to a dinner-dance, where they served dinner, provided entertainment, and learned great old dance steps from the “seniors.” They even had pictures like at a school prom.

  • Work on scrapbooks as part of your ward or personal history.

  • Have a “grandparent adoption night.” Ask the Relief Society president which elderly members need help or friendship.

  • Do baptisms for the dead. Or offer free baby-sitting on ward temple night.

  • Play broom hockey. Use brooms for sticks, cardboard boxes for goals, a tennis ball for a puck, and a gym for a rink.

  • Help a Laurel with her Laurel project or a Scout with his Eagle project.

  • A Warner Robins, Georgia, ward had a “family night,” in which parents joined the youth. Families were divided into groups and given a bag of props and an interesting family scenario (such as a family vacation, getting ready for church, etc.) to make up a skit about. The skits were fun and brought the families closer.

For more ideas, see The Activity Book, available from your ward library or distribution center.

Photography by Welden Andersen
