We’ve Got Mail
April 2000

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Apr. 2000, 50

We’ve Got Mail

Reminded him

I would like to comment on the story “My Perfect Date” (Apr. 1999). In the story the girl is moping around on a Friday night because she didn’t have anything to do, so she makes pizza with her younger brother. This sounds like something my older sister does, but instead of making pizza my sister and I bake cookies and watch a movie. I liked this article because it reminds me of the times my older sisters have done this with me. I am glad that I can live with my sisters and share fun times like this with them for eternity.

Mike Minson
Fairfax, Virginia (via e-mail)


I was reading through the January 1999 issue, and I really enjoyed reading “Chain Reaction.” I read it to my family and some friends because I thought it was so neat that just by inviting two friends to seminary, 25 different people could become members of the Church. I have started to invite more of my nonmember friends to church and activities.

Katie Moore
Yucaipa, California

The perfect articles

I really love getting the New Era every month. It seems like each time I have a problem or am confused about something, the New Era arrives and has the perfect articles for me. This has been my first year receiving the magazine, and I have enjoyed it so much. As soon as I get it in the mail, I read the entire thing. Thank you for having a magazine that people in the Church can really relate to.

Natalie Garcia
Austin, Texas (via e-mail)

Wonderful magazine

This is my second year receiving the New Era, and I want to thank you for this wonderful magazine. I read it very often, and it really helps me in my life. One of my favorite passages is in the August 1998 issue titled “See What We Mean.” The example of Anna helped me to read the scriptures every day, as well as go to seminary. This magazine is the best for all young men and young women of the Church.

Gabriel Brinco
Bordeaux, France (via e-mail)

Wonderful feeling

I would like to express my sincere gratitude and thanks to you for a job well done. The article “The Fruits of My Labor” (June 1999) helped me to have a greater appreciation for the great opportunity I have to serve a mission. It is truly a marvelous experience to labor in the vineyard of the Lord. What a wonderful feeling to be an instrument in bringing my brothers and sisters to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sister Maria Cherryll Anecita
Utah Salt Lake City Mission

Too “Utah”

I am very concerned and annoyed about the overuse of Utah-related topics in your July 1999 issue. It is quite obvious the New Era contains too much about Utah. There are other Church members in the world than just Mormons in Utah. Expand your horizons.

Marie Obzansky
Elkton, Maryland

Big thanks

I really appreciated the words and music by Rachel Bastian in her song “Morning Prayer” (Sept. 1998). This song touches me whenever I sing it. A big thank you to the New Era and to Rachel.

Mark Amiang
Ikotibok, Nigeria
