“Contents,” New Era, Sept. 2000 New Era September 2000 Volume 30, Number 9 Contents The Message: The Faith of a SparrowElder H. Bruce StuckiDo you have the faith and the trust to come unto the Lord when He calls? Sidewalk ServiceChoi Chung LapIn bearing another’s burden, two missionaries were blessed for their effort. Contest Winners: A Perfect FitIntroducing the 2000 New Era contest winners. He Is ThereMargo EdgeworthFirst-Place Song Look What I FoundShara BraithwaiteA knock at my door brought me some great, new friends and a new faith. One Hundred QuestionsLani RicksFirst-Place Article: My friend’s list seemed overwhelming, but I found all the answers. Q&A: Questions and AnswersI feel like I don’t have any real friends. I know a lot of people, but they’re just acquaintances. I’m so lonely, and I feel like there’s no one I can talk to. What can I do? Mormonad: Look Ahead Pieces of LifeSelected winning photography, art, and poetry entries. Impressions in Wet CementAdrian Robert GostickFame and fortune seemed within reach, but this musical group gave it up to serve the Lord. Of All Things My Dad the DictatorElyssa Renee AndrusTranscribing Dad’s stories helped me understand him, and we became closer. Idea List: Ways to WinDarrin LythgoeSaying no to temptation means thinking things through in advance. Letter from HomeKimberly WebbFirst-Place Fiction: I was serving a mission, but my best convert was thousands of miles away. Mormonisms The Pink TieJeanne Nalder McInellyOne strange necktie was the ticket to the stake dance and the start of a testimony. We’ve Got Mail Reader’s Guide Let Us AwakeMeg NielsonFirst-Place Hymn Cover: We build our lives piece by piece. When we choose the good and make the Savior central, the final result is pleasing. See “Pieces of Life,” p. 20. Cover photography: Derek Smith (inset), electronic composition by Scott Welty and Patric Gerber