Peter Horry, b. 1666 in Cher, France
September 2000

“Peter Horry, b. 1666 in Cher, France,” New Era, Sept. 2000, 24

Peter Horry,
b. 1666 in Cher, France

There is no temple in France.

This comes to me as I

Read the name on the card.

So I have brought him here,

Across the ocean and 300 years.

There is a brother behind the name,

but this stranger eludes me for now.

His name is foreign—

It stumbles off my tongue—

And I couldn’t tell his face

From another.

For me his dreams and joys and tears

Are three lines of black and white and ink:

Birth, marriage, death.

Still my heart is turned to him,

Who knew much less of me,

But sacrificed for tomorrow’s seed,

Fruits of a heart turned to children.

No, there is no temple in France.

But years and oceans only come so wide,

And here we close the circle,

And a circle goes on forever.
