“Of All Things,” New Era, Sept. 2004, 40
Of All Things
“Though we live in a failing world, we have not been sent here to fail.”
—Elder Neal A. Maxwell of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “Encircled in the Arms of His Love,” Ensign, Nov. 2002, 17.
Test Your LDS I.Q.
Villains abound in the Book of Mormon—and in this crossword. Fill in the blanks with Book of Mormon bad guys. If you get stuck, the answers are in the scripture references. You can also read the scripture references to find out more about these villains and the Book of Mormon heroes who fought them.

Zoramite leading a Lamanite army Alma 52:33–35
Wicked lawyer turned missionary Alma 11:21; Alma 14:6–7; Alma 31:5–6
His downfall was a tree 3 Ne. 4:26–29
Became Lamanite king through intrigue Alma 47
Alma’s persecuting priest Mosiah 24:8–11
Had his own band Hel. 6:18
Nephite priestcraft introducer Alma 1:12–15
Brass record guardian 1 Ne. 3:3–14
Moronihah’s nemesis Hel. 1:14–33
Second-to-last Jaredite, lost his head in battle Ether 15:28–30
Only lost his scalp Alma 44:12
Brother of 8 across Alma 52:3–4
King Limhi’s dad (Hint: Use his title and his name.) Mosiah 7:9; Mosiah 11:29
Often seen with Lemuel 1 Ne. 2:12, 18
Be Prepared … for Conference
Try this method for finding personal answers to your questions and individual help for your challenges during general conference. You’ll be amazed at how much you can hear when you’re really listening.
Write down a list of questions, concerns, or problems you want Heavenly Father’s help with. Be specific and list anything that is important to you. (For example: How can I get along with my brothers and sisters better? or How can I do better in school?)
Pray every morning and night about the things on your list. Ask specifically to find answers during conference.
Arrange your schedule so you can watch or listen to all of the sessions of conference without being distracted.
Listen for the answers. Many times direct answers will come in a talk, but other times they may come as you listen to the music or prayers. Be open to the promptings of the Spirit.
What Do We Believe?
Want simple explanations of gospel topics from Aaronic Priesthood to Zion? Now you can access the Church’s new guidebook True to the Faith online. Issued in April 2004, this gospel reference was written specifically for teens, young single adults, and new members. It’s a collection of short statements on gospel doctrine and principles and is designed to accompany For the Strength of Youth and help explain why we have those standards.
To find True to the Faith, go to www.lds.org, click on Gospel Library > Church Publications > HTML > Curriculum > Home and Family > True to the Faith: A Gospel Reference.
It Happened in September
12 September 1830 Elmina Shepard Taylor (left), the first president of the Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association, was born in New York.
30 September 1949 General conference was broadcast on television for the first time.
4 September 1950 In southern California, the first early-morning seminary was organized.
28 September 1976 President Spencer W. Kimball (1895–1985) dedicated the first buildings at the Provo Missionary Training Center (right).