We’ve Got Mail
September 2004

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Sept. 2004, 50

We’ve Got Mail

No Supplements Here

Thank you for your Q&A article in the May 2004 New Era. I play football and considered taking supplements but was leaning against it. This helped to solidify my decision against using the supplements, and I have now found that a well-prepared diet makes a world of difference and that supplements are not needed as long as you work hard.

Thank you for having such good articles every month. It is reassuring to know that I can always turn to the New Era for wholesome reading whenever I want.
Christian Weaver, Golden Hills Ward, Bakersfield California East Stake

Looking Forward to Young Women

I would like to say how much it is appreciated in my home when each of us takes our turn to read the New Era. When I first realized I was going to leave Primary soon and go into Young Women, it scared me a little. But then my parents subscribed to the Friend, New Era, and Ensign, and I couldn’t (and still can’t) wait to go to Young Women. When I first read the New Era, I knew Young Women was not something I should be scared of but something I should look forward to.
DJ Crisanto, Fairgrounds Ward, Keizer Oregon Stake

Sharing Smiles

Thank you so much for the Extra Smile cartoons. Every time I feel let down, I always love looking up the Extra Smile section. The comics make me laugh and feel great! I always share the messages with my friends, and they laugh too.

I found a special one about dating in the January 2004 issue. I really loved that one, and I’d like to thank you. I’m trying to enlarge the painting of that cartoon to stick it up in my classroom. Now I know how it feels to share a piece of the gospel with others.
Asenaca Vuikadavu, Tamavua Ward, Suva Fiji North Stake

Singing Missionary

I loved the article “Practice Makes Possible” (Feb. 2004) by President Heber J. Grant. The influence this article had in my life was so great I decided to write to express my appreciation immediately.

A few months ago my mission president encouraged us to sing hymns during our discussions with investigators, but I was hesitant because I felt that I did not have a nice voice. As I read this article, I realized that my voice plays only a little role in carrying the hymn’s message to the heart of my investigators as compared to singing the hymn in the spirit in which it was written. I took the courage to put into practice the message I got from the article, and I have been successful these few times.
Elder Aristotle Fokuo, Nigeria Port Harcourt Mission

Illustrated by Bill Mayer
