Following My Father
October 2005

“Following My Father,” New Era, Oct. 2005, 47

Following My Father

After the closing prayer at my cousin’s Eagle Scout court of honor, somebody rolled out a cart with bowls of ice cream and a variety of toppings. I was one of the first to get to the refreshments. As I poured chocolate syrup over my ice cream, I laughed with my brothers and cousins.

While eating, I looked around the room. We were in the gym, and metal folding chairs had been set up for the audience. Most of the chairs were empty now. People were gathered in small groups talking and laughing. My great-grandma Clark sat alone.

Grandma Clark had once been an energetic world traveler, but a couple of strokes had left her frail. I crossed the room, sat down next to her, and asked if I could get her some ice cream.

Grandma simply said, “Michael’s getting me some.”

I turned and saw my father, Michael, walking towards us with an ice-cream sundae. He was always thinking of others.

My father often encouraged me to serve others, but it was through his example that I really learned how to serve.

I have another Father who wants me to follow His Son’s perfect example. All He asks is that I do what He would do Himself.

  • Laura A. Austin is a member of the Elk Ridge Fifth Ward, Payson Utah East Stake.

Illustrated by Steve Kropp
