The Power of My Testimony
October 2005

“The Power of My Testimony,” New Era, Oct. 2005, 48

The Power of My Testimony

Saturday night, I prayed that my mom would have an open mind about going to church with me the next day since she didn’t usually come. I had gone to church by myself for a year, and I felt like I needed my mom to be part of that.

The next day I woke up bright and early, not because of my alarm clock, but because my mom was getting ready to go to church. I had a big smile on my face as I got ready.

That day was fast and testimony meeting, and I took the opportunity to bear my testimony. I was more nervous than I had ever been. I felt like a little girl going up there. As I gave my testimony, I looked upon my mom’s face, and tears filled our eyes at the same time. I knew that was where the Lord wanted us to be. She must have felt the same way, because after that she slowly became active again.

I thank the Lord for giving me the power to not be scared to share my testimony with others. Now every opportunity I get, I bear my testimony because I know the impact it can have on people.

  • Adriana C. De Lima is a member of the Peninsula Park Ward, Portland Oregon East Stake.
