Daily Sowing
April 2008

“Daily Sowing,” New Era, April 2008, 49

Daily Sowing

I have a plot of earth

and have planted there

a handful of good seeds

that I hope will bear,

but I must labor

and till the soil,

feed the plants.

And with my toil,

if I rise early

to work each day

and thrust away

the strangling weeds

and infertile land,

then comes the progress

by my steady hand.

It’s the day-to-day

productive hours

that purchase growth

and produce flowers.

Likewise, my life.

If I take care,

I will mature

and strengthen where

I once was weak,

had lacked in heart

or wanted for courage,

so, for my part,

I have endeavored.

Life’s like the earth

and requires effort

for yielding worth.

It’s the day-to-day

productive row

that reaps the good

from seeds you sow.

Photo by Kurt Wilson; do not copy
