We’ve Got Mail
April 2008

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, April 2008, 48

We’ve Got Mail

To the Point

I love “To the Point.” It has such good answers to great questions. I am always able to apply something from it to my life. I also like “In Tune.” I’m learning to play piano and love to sing. It gives me something to practice and sing. I always look forward to each month’s New Era because it has something to answer a question I’ve been pondering.

Cheyenne B., Minnesota

When a Bug Flies In

I just wanted to say that I was inspired by the article “When a Bug Flies in Your Mouth” (Sept. 07). I want to follow its advice and also tell my friends to do the same—when something bad crosses your mind, spit it out immediately.

Dallas R., Mexico

More Confidence

Thank you for publishing the New Era. I always look forward to getting it. It always has something I need help with. The story “Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts Unceasingly” (Oct. 07) helped me have more self-confidence. It really makes a difference in my life. Thank you so much.

Analee B., Virginia

I Feel Connected

I am 13 and live in Vietnam, where the Church is just starting to open up. I am the only deacon in our small branch, and our Young Men group consists of me and one priest. Being the only Latter-day Saint at my school (except for my brothers) can be hard. I love the New Era. It helps me feel connected with the rest of the Church, even if I am thousands of miles away. I enjoy reading the short stories from other youth. It helps me remember I am not the only one with trials. I also enjoy the inspiring New Era posters and the “Extra Smile.”

Ashton O., Vietnam

Just a Little Violence?

I read the article in the August 2007 New Era called “Just a Little Violence.” I liked it a lot because usually I don’t take violence very seriously and ignore it in the movies I see. This article was inspiring to me because I realized violence is a bad thing and that we shouldn’t even pretend to be violent. I love the New Era and thank you for putting this article in.

Brett H., location not given


Whenever I read the New Era I feel the Spirit, which comforts me from what I see in the world. I feel the testimonies of others who have submitted many wonderful photos and stories. It strengthens my testimony and really boosts my confidence. I really like the New Era posters and the poems that are always in the back accompanied by an inspirational photo. I love this Church and wish to be a part of it always. I can’t wait to be a missionary.

Austin R., Utah

We love hearing from you. Write us at the following address. Please include the names of your ward and stake (or branch and district).

New Era
We’ve Got Mail
50 E. North Temple St. Rm. 2420
Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA

Or e-mail us at newera@ldschurch.org

Submissions may be edited for length and clarity.
