Sunday Lesson Helps
November 2008

“Sunday Lesson Helps,” New Era, Nov. 2008, 47

Sunday Lesson Helps

In addition to the Resource Guides (online at www.lds.org/gospellibrary, in the Shortcuts section), Young Women and Aaronic Priesthood teachers may find these resources helpful in enhancing lessons 43–46 in Young Women and 43–49 in Aaronic Priesthood.

Young Women Manual 3

Lesson 43: Association with Others

Q&A (friends don’t come to church) New Era, Aug. 2008, 14.

Russell Wilcox, “Is Anyone Laughing?” New Era, Feb. 2007, 34.

“You Mean the World to Me,” New Era, Apr. 2004, 40.

Lesson 44: Avoiding Crisis Living

President Thomas S. Monson, “Three Gates Only You Can Open,” New Era, Aug. 2008, 2.

Amelia Stone, “Something Had to Give,” New Era, Aug. 2007, 24.

Annie Valentine Tintle, “Too Busy to Care,” New Era, June 2007, 8.

Lesson 45: Choosing a Vocation

John H. Groberg, “What Are You Doing Here?” New Era, Jan. 1987, 32.

Q&A (what should I do with my life), New Era, July 2005, 16.

Robert D. Hales, “Called of God,” Ensign, July 2008, 8.

Lesson 46: Money Management

Danielle Nye Poulter, “Taking Credit,” New Era, Aug. 2006, 34.

Kristi Linton, “Money Matters,” New Era, Sept. 2004, 34.

Aaronic Priesthood Manual 3

Lesson 43: Thoughts and Language

Elder L. Tom Perry, “Thy Speech Reveals Thee,” New Era, July 2007, 2.

Don Harsh, “Standing as a Witness,” New Era, May 2008, 44.

Brian D Stenquist, “This Recruit Does Not Swear, Sir!” New Era, Oct. 2005, 12.

Lesson 44: Service to Others

Christa Skousen, “Choosing Her Words,” this issue, 14.

Janet Thomas, “All for One,” New Era, Jan. 2001, 20.

Carl Webb, “Something Better to Do,” New Era, Nov. 2005, 14.

Lesson 45: Strengthening Testimonies by Bearing Them

“I Believe in Christ,” New Era, Mar. 2008, 18.

Paul K. Sybrowsky, “Gaining a Testimony,” New Era, Feb. 2008, 40.

Lesson 46: Effective Home Teaching

Sedley Parkinson, “Knock Again,” New Era, May 2007, 8.

Matthew Dinger, “Two Wisemans,” New Era, Apr. 2007, 10.

Lesson 47: Honesty

To the Point (what is an honest tithe), New Era, Feb. 2008, 26.

William R. Walker, “Can You Be Trusted?” New Era, Nov. 2006, 40.

Q&A (I lie a lot), New Era, Nov. 2006, 14.

Lesson 48: Preparing to Serve through Education

M. Russell Ballard, “Thinking Straight,” New Era, Mar. 1985, 44.

Paul VanDenBerghe, “Michael Knows,” New Era, May 2006, 20.

Lesson 49: We Have a Wonderful Legacy

Mandi Andre, “Because of the Restoration,” New Era, Dec. 2006, 36.

Q&A (the only true Church), New Era, May 2005, 16.
