Saving Lives Worldwide
November 2008

“Saving Lives Worldwide,” New Era, Nov. 2008, 39

Saving Lives Worldwide

Did you know that just one of the projects carried out by LDS Humanitarian Services has saved the lives of more than 400,000 infants in developing countries? Newborn resuscitation—training medical staff how to resuscitate babies who are not breathing at birth—is just one of the initiatives Humanitarian Services focused on in the past year. Others are water projects, wheelchair distribution, and vision treatment training.

Newborn resuscitation courses were taught in 23 countries. “When just one physician is trained, he or she will go on to train others, which in the long run turns into thousands of lives being saved,” Dean Walker, manager of major initiatives for Humanitarian Services, said.

Three of the Church’s other major projects also helped thousands of people last year:

  • 950,000 people benefited from clean water projects.

  • 60,537 wheelchairs were distributed.

  • 9,100 people received vision treatment.

In May, the Church shipped 142,000 pounds of medical and other supplies to Myanmar to aid those affected by a cyclone. The Church’s relief efforts for those areas affected by the 2004 tsunami in Asia are still continuing, where the Church has assisted in building 16 schools, 902 homes, and 3 community centers.

An Egyptian doctor trains local nurses on newborn resuscitation techniques.
