We’ve Got Mail
January 2010

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Jan. 2010, 48

We’ve Got Mail

The Priesthood

I liked the story about the priesthood (May 2009). The priesthood has changed my life in many ways. One way is through home teaching. My dad and I home teach widows who like us to come over to share a message with them. I have the priesthood for a good reason, and that reason is to serve God. I help pass the sacrament on Sunday, and that is using the priesthood. I use the priesthood to do my duties and to serve other people. When I serve other people, it makes me feel good about myself. I also like sharing the gospel with my friends. I try to invite my friends to church. I like holding the priesthood; it gives me many blessings in my everyday life. I am also grateful for Melchizedek Priesthood holders, because they can give blessings to people who are sick.

Andrew K., Virginia

I Can Relate

I liked “A Rebel No More” (Sept. 2009). A lot of teenagers today can relate to this story. I think it was good how the boy turned his life around. It was touching.

Neal H., California

Role Models

I really liked the article by Elder Benson E. Misalucha called “Role Models” (Aug. 2009). It made me think of the people in my life who are good role models.

Zac C., Florida

Out of the Best Books

The article, “Out of the Best Books, Movies, or Music” (Aug. 2009) had valuable suggestions and guidelines. You mentioned reading classic novels. What about watching classic movies? They may seem old-fashioned, but in reality they are very good. Even though these movies are older, the story lines are interesting. Old movies, just like classical books and music, shouldn’t be forgotten. I would love to see our youth grow to love wholesome books, movies, and music from the past, as well as wholesome things from the present.

Kristine L., Arizona

Good Advice

Technical knowledge of the Church is always helpful, but stories about latter-day family situations are very inspiring. I especially appreciated the September 2009 Q&A on page 14. Not everyone has an example of advice given to them by a parent, so it is good to have good advice for the rest of us.

Ben M., California

Patriarchal Blessings

Thank you for publishing the story about getting patriarchal blessings (Aug. 2009). I went to get my patriarchal blessing the day after I received this issue of the New Era and was excited to be able to read more about blessings. It gave me a better knowledge of what they are and made my blessing mean a lot more to me than if I hadn’t read the article.


Saving Money

I read the article “Maxed Out” (June 2009). I think it has good advice about saving money. I am trying to save for my mission and for fun. The article helped me realize how important it is to save and also not to get into debt.

Jakob D., Oklahoma

Illustration by Cynthia Clark
