Faith-filled Service
January 2010

“Faith-filled Service,” New Era, Jan. 2010, 40

Faith-filled Service

Equipped with wheelbarrows, gloves, shovels, trash bags, and plenty of energy, youth from the Salt Lake Holladay South Stake joined with young members of the Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Greek Orthodox, and Catholic faiths to share similarities and offer service in the community. Braving a light spring drizzle, the group of about 200 teens filled the banks of a nearby river, clearing out weeds, laying fresh soil, and planting new shrubs. Eli Fullmer, a priest from the Holladay 18th Ward, explained how meeting youth of other faiths increased his desire to reach out. “I’m more ready to serve because I feel like I’m friends with everybody.”

By starting the project out with an interfaith worship service, the youth were able to focus on their common beliefs and devotion to God. After rendering service together, the teens participated in a memorial tree planting. They were reminded that they are all children of God. “We’re all similar,” reflected Danielle Chard, a Mia Maid from the Holladay 14th Ward. “We have similar standards. We’re all good people.”

Photographs by Julia Woodbury
