Celebrating Temples around the World
April 2011

“Celebrating Temples around the World,” New Era, April 2011, 29

Celebrating Temples around the World

When a temple is dedicated, youth from the temple district have an opportunity to perform in a cultural celebration the night before. Here are some other recent cultural celebrations from around the world.

Vancouver, British Columbia

In May 2010, over 1,200 youth from eight stakes in British Columbia and the Bellingham Washington Stake gathered in Vancouver for a temple celebration marking the completion of the Vancouver British Columbia Temple.

The celebration, titled “A Beacon to the World,” highlighted the land, history, and people of British Columbia. Part of the celebration included the youth’s guiding 172 of the area’s oldest Church members down to the floor for recognition. After dancing and performing music for the program, the youth closed the program by joining hands and circling around a replica of the temple.

Sabrina Blackmore, 17, of the Blackmore Ward in the Prince George British Columbia Stake, rode 15 hours on a bus to participate in the event. “This is the best experience ever,” she said.

Cebu, Philippines

In June, youth gathered in the Philippines for a youth cultural celebration titled “A Celebration of Filipino Heritage,” which took place the night before the dedication of the Cebu Philippines Temple. Youth from around the temple district gathered and became friends. The arena was the biggest in Cebu, but it was not big enough to hold all the performers who wanted to participate, so 2,000 youth performed there while another 2,000 performed for cameras and had their performance displayed at the celebration.

The celebration’s 12 numbers included costumes and dances from several eras of Filipino history. President Thomas S. Monson spoke to the youth, encouraging them to write in their journals about the event. “Years from now, you will be telling your children and your grandchildren about the opportunity you had to participate in such a tremendous cultural celebration,” he said.

Kyiv, Ukraine

In August, cheers were heard as youth and adults celebrated the dedication of the Kyiv Ukraine Temple. Youth and adults participated in the grand cultural celebration. Participants came from several countries and represented diverse cultures. Some practiced for months to get ready for the celebration, which included a choir, orchestra, and dances.

The youth enjoyed performing dances and wearing traditional costumes from their country. They were also delighted to be able to perform for President Thomas S. Monson.

“The best part was when I saw the prophet,” said Michael Minasyan, 14, from Armenia. “I was right in front of him, and he waved to us. I felt the spirit that I was waiting for.”

Laie, Hawaii

To celebrate the rededication of the Laie Hawaii Temple, more than 2,000 youth gathered in November to present a program titled “The Gathering Place.” At the beginning of the event, the youth stood shoulder to shoulder in the Cannon Activity Center of the BYU–Hawaii Campus as they heard President Thomas S. Monson speak.

“Today will be a night you will never forget,” he said.

The participants danced, sang, and presented a visual display of island history and culture. It also celebrated Laie, Hawaii, as a “gathering place” for early Church members and others.

“It was the most amazing thing,” said Briana Garrido, 15, of Wahiawa, Hawaii. “I have never been so thankful.”
