We’ve Got Mail
April 2011

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, April 2011, 48

We’ve Got Mail

Conference Thoughts

The last general conference was amazing. I loved how they talked about the responsibilities of the priesthood. Since I’m a new deacon, it helped me understand better about being an honest deacon. I can hardly wait for the next conference.

Zachary S., Arizona

My Savior, Too

The story that stood out to me in the November 2010 New Era was “He Is My Savior Too.” The story is about a young woman in a choir class who hears someone else take the Lord’s name in vain. When she asks the girl not to swear, other classmates agreed. The reason that this story is my favorite is because it made the girl who took the Lord’s name in vain stop and realize what she was saying.

Bradi M., Utah

A Solid Routine

Thank you for including the story of Jackson Payne in “A Solid Routine” (Nov. 2010). His story inspires me to do my best in all of my activities. He is a good example of living a balanced life and putting God first. I admire his discipline in gymnastics and his desire to keep the commandments. Reading his story gives me hope that I can also develop my talents and be dedicated to living the gospel. I hope he earns a spot on the 2012 Olympic Canadian team.

Joseph C., Nevada

Reading the New Era

I like to read the articles in the magazine every month. They help me with problems and give me ideas for talks. Plus, I learn ways to be better and live the gospel. It’s like getting a monthly reminder of who I am and where I want to go.

Roni J., Utah

Talk Material

I recently gave my first talk in sacrament meeting. I had just read the article “An Example to Nonmember Friends” (Oct. 2010) and knew that I should use that as my topic. I liked that people shared experiences in their lives. It helped me understand more about being an example to those around me. One way I can stand as a witness is by magnifying my priesthood responsibilities. A few weeks ago a few other deacons in my ward and I went to a rest home. We take turns preparing and passing the sacrament with the other wards in our stake. While I was there I felt very peaceful and happy inside. I knew that I was doing what the Savior would have me do and would be doing Himself if He were there. I am thankful for the examples of others I read about in the magazine and hope I can also set a good example to those around me.

Spencer G., Utah

One Sunday Was the Difference

I enjoyed the article “One Sunday Was the Difference” in the August 2009 issue. I feel as if the lessons in my Sunday School class are meant for me. I relate to the girl in the article because I have become comfortable around people who do not have the same standards as I do. This article helped me understand that not only do I need to have the same standards that the For the Strength of Youth booklet discusses, but I should also put myself in a group of people who share the same standards. Reading about someone in the same situation inspires me to do as she did.

Derek T.

Illustration by James Steinberg
