“What’s Up?” New Era, April 2011, 40–43
What’s Up?
Write Away
Fulfilling My Duty to God
Now that you have your new Duty to God handbook and you’re developing greater spiritual strength; fulfilling priesthood duties; and improving your physical health, education, and relationship with family and friends, we want to hear how it’s going. Tell us about your experiences with making plans, reaching goals, and sharing what you’ve learned with others. Maybe you’ve learned something new about a gospel topic, or strengthened your relationship with others, or experienced some other new changes in your life as a result of the work you are doing to fulfill your Duty to God?
Send in your responses by going to newera.lds.org and clicking Submit Your Material and then selecting Call for Articles.
Or send it by mail to:
New Era, Duty to God
50 E. North Temple Street., Rm. 2420
Salt Lake City, UT 84150-0024
5 Ways to Use the Internet to Share the Gospel
Post a Mormon Message video on your social media profile. Just click Share at the Mormon Channel on YouTube.
Write about faith-building experiences on your blog.
Share links to Mormon.org or your favorite conference talk on your blog, website, or social media profile.
Post pictures from missions, weddings, baptisms, Mutual activities, etc.
Create a profile on Mormon.org.
Quoting from Conference
“The direct, personal channel of communication to our Heavenly Father through the Holy Ghost is based on worthiness and is so essential that we are commanded to renew our covenants by partaking of the sacrament each Sabbath day.”
Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “Two Lines of Communication,” Ensign, Nov. 2010, 83.