Are You a Giver or a Getter?
December 2015

“Are You a Giver or a Getter?” New Era, December 2015, 36

Are You a Getter or a Giver?

Are You a Getter or a Giver?

Have you ever paused to think about why you serve others and keep the commandments? This month would be a good time to do that as you study about building the kingdom of God in your lessons at church. You can ask yourself, am I motivated more by what I can get or by what I can give?

The questions above will help you see whether you tend to face inward (thinking of yourself) or outward (thinking of others).

What recognition will I receive by serving in this calling?

How will I be blessed by paying tithing and fast offerings?

How will I benefit from being honest?

What will I gain by attending church?

How will a mission help me?

What blessings will I receive from a temple marriage?

How does my calling allow me to help strengthen others?

How will my tithing and fast offerings help build the kingdom of God?

How will my honesty bless others?

How does my attendance at church show my devotion to the Lord?

In what ways will I be able to serve others on a mission?

How will a temple marriage give me an opportunity to serve my spouse and children?

It’s OK to think about blessings you’ll receive, but if you find that you tend to look inward more than outward, try looking up. President Thomas S. Monson has taught: “Remember that this work is not yours and mine alone. We can look up and reach out for divine help” (“Do Your Duty—That Is Best,” Ensign, Nov. 2005, 58).

ILlustration by Ben Simonson
