What the Christmas Story Can Teach Us
December 2015

“What the Christmas Story Can Teach Us,” New Era, December 2015, 12–17

What the Christmas Story Can Teach You

baby Jesus

Christ the Savior Is Born, by Paul Mann.

The birth of Jesus Christ, one of the most miraculous events in history, took place in a humble stable. A few people saw angels and guiding stars, but most were unaware of it or saw it as just another baby’s birth. As you study these events, you can come to know for yourself that this baby wrapped in swaddling clothes was and is the Son of God, our Savior.

God’s prophets foretell sacred events.

Nephi’s vision of Mary

“An angel came down and stood before me; and he said unto me: Nephi, what beholdest thou? And I said unto him: A virgin, most beautiful and fair above all other virgins. … And he said unto me: Behold, the virgin whom thou seest is the mother of the Son of God … . And I looked and beheld the virgin again, bearing a child in her arms. And the angel said unto me: Behold the Lamb of God, yea, even the son of the Eternal Father!” (1 Nephi 11:14–21).

Nephi’s vision of Mary, by James Johnson.

King Benjamin’s address

“And he shall be called Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father of heaven and earth, the Creator of all things from the beginning; and his mother shall be called Mary. And lo, he cometh unto his own, that salvation might come unto the children of men even through faith on his name” (Mosiah 3:8–9).

King Benjamin’s Address, by Jeremy Winborg.

The Prophet Isaiah Foretells Christ’s Birth

“Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14).

The Prophet Isaiah Foertells Christ’s Birth, by Harry Anderson.

Samuel the Lamanite Prophesies of Christ

“There shall be one day and a night and a day, as if it were one day and there were no night; and this shall be unto you for a sign; …

“And behold, there shall a new star arise, such an one as ye never have beheld; and this also shall be a sign unto you” (Helaman 14:4–5).

Samuel the Lamanite Prophesies of Christ, by Walter Rane.

Each of us must decide if there is room for the Savior in our lives.

No Room at the Inn

“And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inns” (Joseph Smith Translation, Luke 2:7 [in Luke 2:7, footnote b]).

No Room at The Inn, by Robert T. Barrett.

God uses His creations to testify of Jesus Christ.

Three Wise Men

“The star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was” (Matthew 2:9).

Three Wise Men, by Minerva Teichert.

Christmas star

“And behold, there shall a new star arise, such an one as ye never have beheld; and this also shall be a sign unto you” (Helaman 14:5).

Book of Mormon Stories, by Jerry Thompson.

The faithful receive a witness of Jesus Christ.

Simeon Speaks While Holding Jesus

The Holy Ghost bore witness to Simeon and Anna that the baby Jesus was the Christ who would bring redemption to the world (see Luke 2:26, 38).

Simeon Speaks While Holding Jesus, by Paul Mann.

God wants all of His children, from lowly shepherds to noble wise men, to learn about Jesus Christ.

The Nativity

“He inviteth … all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile” (2 Nephi 26:33).

The Nativity, by Brian Call.

Though the Savior’s mother was mortal, He was born with the divine nature of His Heavenly Father.

Mary holding baby Jesus

“Our Savior was a God before he was born into this world, and he brought with him that same status when he came here. He was as much a God when he was born into the world as he was before. But as far as this life is concerned it appears that he had to start just as all other children do and gain his knowledge line upon line” (President Joseph Fielding Smith [1876–1972], Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Fielding Smith [2013], 314).

Be It unto Me, by Liz Lemon Swindle.

Christ the Savior Is Born, by Paul Mann; 1. Nephi’s vision of Mary, by James Johnson; 2. King Benjamin’s address, by Jeremy Winborg; 3. The Prophet Isaiah Foertells Christ’s Birth, by Harry Anderson; 4. Samuel the Lamanite Prophesies of Christ, by Walter Rane

5. No Room at The Inn, by Robert T. Barrett; 6. Three Wise Men, by Minerva Teichert; 7. Book of Mormon Stories, by Jerry Thompson

8. Simon Speaks While Holding Jesus, Paul Mann; 9. The Nativity, Brian Call; 10. Be It unto Me, Liz Lemon Swindle
