Come, Follow Me: The Priesthood and Priesthood Keys
June 2016

“Come, Follow Me: The Priesthood and Priesthood Keys,” New Era, June 2016, 44

Come, Follow Me

The Priesthood and Priesthood Keys

There were a number of talks in the April 2016 general conference that dealt with the topic of priesthood and priesthood keys. For instance, you could look up these ones as you ponder the Come, Follow Me theme this month:

“A Sacred Trust,” by President Thomas S. Monson

“Eternal Families,” by President Henry B. Eyring

“The Price of Priesthood Power,” by President Russell M. Nelson

“Where Are the Keys and Authority of the Priesthood?” by Elder Gary E. Stevenson

Find these and more at conference.lds.org.

Eyring quote card
Eyring quote card 4-up

The great purpose of every priesthood holder … is to assist in the work of helping people rise to eternal life.

President Henry B. Eyring

First Counselor in the First Presidency

April 2016 general conference

Nelson quote card
Nelson qoute card 4-up

Priesthood power can calm the seas and heal fractures in the earth. Priesthood power can also calm the minds and heal fractures in the hearts of those we love.

President Russell M. Nelson

President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

April 2016 general conference