Dad’s Many Jobs
June 2016

“Dad’s Many Jobs,” New Era, June 2016, 32–33

Dad’s Many Jobs

Bethany Bartholomew lives in Utah, USA.

Who does your dad get to be today?

dad’s many jobs

Illustration by Josh Talbot

Ever ask your dad what he does for work? Did he tell you he was an adventure tour guide? an official food taster? What about a dragon slayer? Not all dads get to do the same things each day, but take a peek into some of these job descriptions. You might be surprised how many of them describe what your dad does each day.

Dragon Slayer

OK, maybe not actual dragons. But Dad is usually very good at ridding the kingdom (aka, the house) of all things pesky, creepy, and crawly. Whether it’s helping coax a lizard back out into the yard or handing him the tissue when there’s a spider to slay, how can you help your dad in his epic quest against multi-legged invaders?


Dad is co-CEO with Mom in their home-run business called, well, home and family. Dad is a great source of information on all things financial. He can give you valuable advice about money—from how to save up for your first bike to how to better budget for tithing each month.

Official Food Taster

Whether it looks delicious or strangely suspicious (five-day-old leftovers, anyone?), Dad is usually willing to try it. And he can be a great resource when you want to make a new recipe. If your dad served a mission or lived outside the country for work, ask him if he has any great recipes of his own from those places. He might be able to help you make something from a different part of the world!

Construction Worker

From the birdhouse to the back porch, Dad can build anything. Well, almost anything. Some dads like to build computers, some like to build toolsheds, and some like to build friendships. What can you and your dad build together—whether he’s at home or far away?

Adventure Tour Guide

Dad can be your best friend and your best motivator. He knows just how to guide you through the adventures of life. He may challenge you to try new things. He might take you out into the wilderness, coach your soccer team, or help you through some English homework. This week, take time to write down some of your favorite Dad advice. Maybe even ask him what some of his dad’s best advice was for him growing up.

Part-time Superhero

Dad may not be able to fly or lift entire buildings by himself, but his daily doses of public service still make a big impact on those he can help. Visiting neighbors, serving in Church callings, volunteer coaching for the city baseball team—Dad does a lot. Ask him if there’s any way you can help him out. Who knows? Maybe he needs a trusty sidekick, some coaching advice, or even just a reminder to buy ice cream for a family who could use a little pick-me-up.

Occupational Specialist

Many dads spend a lot of their time working full-time outside the home. If your dad is working, studying for a degree (or even a second or a third degree), or simply helping you with your math homework, give your dad a great big thank you for all his hard work for you and others.

Experimental Researcher

Dad has unlimited nuggets of wisdom in many different categories, and much of it comes from personal experience. He might teach you what you should say when you ask someone out on a date for the first time, or he might teach you how to slow dance so you won’t be too nervous at your first stake dance. Ask your dad about his life, his accomplishments, his successes, and even the things he’s tried that didn’t work out so well. You could learn a lot from his life lessons.
