September 2017

“@LDSYouth,” New Era, September 2017


young man jumping

Hi, I am Gerrime, and I’m a dancer. In May 2017 I led the Zumba dances at our FSY conference.

One time, my classmates asked me why Mormons don’t use tobacco or drink wine and tea. I simply answered that I want to take care of my body—the Lord loves us, so He gave us bodies that He wants us to keep clean, healthy, and worthy so we can have the Holy Ghost.

The gospel has made my life different because I notice Heavenly Father helps me in many ways. The Spirit helps lead me away from temptations I encounter. I know the gospel of Jesus Christ can help us to make good choices day by day, draw nearer to Him, and become more like Him.

My name is Gerrime M., I’m 18, and I live in the Philippines.

young woman with horses

I’m Myra, and I love seeing all the animals on my family’s farm. It’s amazing to see how perfectly the animals were created to do their part.

I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ created me to have a purpose and the ability to fulfill it too! This makes me spring into action to do my best to live a meaningful life, as I was created to do.

Myra M., 16, Missouri, USA

young woman with painting of Salt Lake Temple

My name is Rheanna, and I like playing the violin, skiing, fishing, and camping. I also love painting—I’ve been doing it for forever!

I painted the Salt Lake Temple for a Personal Progress project, and it took me a whole year to finish! I grew closer to the temple during that time, and when I was done, I also realized I could bear my testimony through art and music.

Rheanna B., 17, Utah, USA
