April 2020

“Connect,” New Era, April 2020, 40–41


young woman in kitchen

Photograph by Leslie Nilsson

I’m a convert to the Church. One of the things that first appealed to me was the youth activities. Even now, I still love spending time with Church friends who have the good, uplifting kind of fun. I especially like going to the Suva Fiji Temple with them each week.

In Fiji there’s a lot of peer pressure. Shops don’t often ask for identification to buy alcohol, cigarettes, and such. Kids buy them all the time. It can be hard to choose the right.

One of the things that keep me strong is my younger siblings. I’m the oldest, so I think of them every time I’m tempted to do something wrong. I don’t want them to make any bad decisions because of seeing me do something first. Before my mom died, she made me promise to look after my siblings and always be there for them.

So far I’m the only member of the Church among my siblings. But I pray for them every day. I thank Heavenly Father for giving them another day to live, and I pray that they’ll receive knowledge of His gospel. They keep me strong.

Mikayla J., 17, Fiji

young man

I like running, downhill snow skiing, and tennis. I am a forced lefty, so I am actually now ambidextrous.

Back in late winter, I got really sick. I missed a few days of school, and I was running a fever of 103ºF (39ºC) with medications. My closest friend texted me and reminded me of the power of priesthood and prayer, so I asked my dad for a priesthood blessing. Afterwards I felt better and my temperature dropped a couple of degrees. I know the priesthood can heal us!

Asher D., 15, Washington, USA

sister and brother

Growing up I was shy, and I worried about everything. But every time I was worried, my brother Spencer would say, “Ellie, hunamata,” imitating the phrase “hakuna matata” (“no worries”) from the movie The Lion King. Or he would sing the song “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.” He helped me see that I was important and that if I let go of my worries, I could find a lot of joy. I try to help others in the way Spencer has helped me.

Ellie S., 16, Utah, USA
