2020 Youth Theme: You Went and Did!
December 2020

“2020 Youth Theme: You Went and Did!” New Era, Dec. 2020, 36–38.

2020 Youth Theme: You Went and Did!

How did you go and do?

The 2020 youth theme was all about getting stuff done. But not just any “stuff”—this year’s theme was a call to get up and get going on the Lord’s errand:

“And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them” (1 Nephi 3:7).

Nephi was quite the doer. And so were you! As 2020 comes to a close, take a minute to think about how you “went and did.”

How did you do what the Lord commanded?

And how did you see Him preparing a way for you?

He probably didn’t ask you to retrieve brass plates from a well-guarded treasury. But maybe you got up earlier to get to seminary on time. Or maybe you were kind to your sister. It doesn’t have to be anything big! Heavenly Father is pleased every time we do our best to follow His commandments. And He always gives us the help we need.

Here’s how a few of you lived the theme this year.

young people with tablet

Scriptures First!

young woman

I take a lot of hard classes, so typically I get home from school and am overwhelmed by my workload. By the end of the night, I am exhausted. This leads to superficial scripture study and prayer.

But this year I changed things. I started reading my scriptures before doing my homework. This made a tremendous change in my life. After reading my scriptures, I could get my homework done much faster, and even had extra time after. I’ve received more guidance on how to face my challenges and even help my friends. As I study the scriptures with the challenges of the school day fresh on my mind, I receive specific guidance for facing those challenges.

The Lord never leaves us alone. As I have prioritized things of God, I have learned that He always prepares a way for us to accomplish the things He commands of us (see 1 Nephi 3:7).

Rozlyn N., 17, Arizona, USA

young women hugging

What Do I Get Out of This?

young man

This year I was invited to take part in a student-led group that looks out for the well-being and mental health of the students at our high school. As soon as I received the invitation, I felt as if the Lord was directly telling me to join this class. But in order to take this class, I would need to drop my favorite class, weights. At first, I thought, “That doesn’t seem as fun as weights. What do I get out of this?”

But as I thought about it, the Spirit guided me and told me, “Nick, it’s not about what you can become. It is about what you can help others become.”

I now absolutely love this group at school, and I feel as if the Lord has led me every step of the way. I am so grateful for Him and His guidance. I testify that His guidance always leads us down the right paths!

Nick S., 17, Idaho, USA

youth with shovels at service project

A Plan to Invite My Friend

young woman

My friend has always struggled to fit in and feel comfortable around people. I can relate and wanted to serve her more.

I realized I found my place by going to church. I found the most joy there. I thought the Church could help my friend out too.

I felt prompted to first invite her to a fun youth activity, then to Church on Sunday, then to my sister’s farewell, and then to meet with the missionaries.

As we act, Heavenly Father blesses us. When we do our part, He does His. I have seen that in my life. I know that when we “go and do,” we are becoming more like Christ. Not only that, but it simply makes you feel good, and God will guide us to where He needs His work done.

Hannah L., 16, Utah, USA

young woman riding horse

Sad and Scared to Leave My Home

young woman

Last year my family moved from Texas to Arizona, USA. We hadn’t planned on moving, but we knew the Lord commanded it for our family, so we did.

I was sad and scared about leaving my hometown. I knew that it would be hard but that the Lord would bless me and my family if we did what He asked. As time went on, I was able to rely on Jesus Christ for comfort, love, and help with meeting new people and going to a new school. As I have done the Lord’s will and trusted in Him, my testimony has been strengthened and has grown so much.

Alexa H., 16, Arizona, USA

The 2021 Youth Theme

2021 youth theme

Now, are you ready for next year? Of course you are. Especially because the 2020 theme was great preparation for the 2021 theme. When you “go and do” as the Lord commands, you’re well on your way to “laying the foundation of a great work.”

The 2021 Youth Theme comes from Doctrine and Covenants 64:33–34:

“Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great. Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind; and the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days.”

The Lord has a great work for each one of us to do. As you step into the new year, resolve to be obedient to Him, diligent in doing the small things, and ready to do your part in laying the foundation of a great work.
