Not Ice-olated
December 2020

“Not Ice-olated,” New Era, Dec. 2020, 26–27.

Home Evening Object Lesson

Not Ice-olated

With the Lord’s help, we can lift even the heaviest, slipperiest burdens.

Not Ice-olated

“Nope. Too hard. This is just too hard.”

Have you ever faced something that made you feel that way? It may have been a problem with your friends, a scary change in your family, or even something Heavenly Father or His prophets asked you to do. (Early morning seminary, anyone?)

We know we’re here to learn, but sometimes that learning requires challenges that just seem way too tough. And you’re left feeling about as strong as a flimsy piece of thread.

But as you’re about to learn from this home evening object lesson, you’re not ice-olated! When we rely on Heavenly Father, we can accomplish even the hardest, coldest challenges!

What to Do

  1. Fill a glass to the brim with cold water. Drop an ice cube into the water.

  2. Give a piece of thread to a family member and ask them to try to pick up the ice cube and lift it out of the water using the piece of thread. They probably won’t be able to do it. That ice is just too slippery!

    Explain that sometimes we face trials that seem way too big and way too difficult for us to overcome. And sometimes Heavenly Father asks us to do things that seem difficult or even impossible. Ask your family member to share times when they’ve faced a difficult challenge.

    Read or ask a family member to read Luke 1:37. Explain that when we stay close to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and have the Holy Ghost with us, things that may seem impossible become very possible.

  3. Lay the thread directly on the ice cube and pour some salt on the thread on the ice. (You may need to experiment beforehand to get the right amount of salt.)

    Explain that the salt represents the help, strength, and guidance we can receive from Heavenly Father.

  4. Grab the thread from both ends and pick up the ice cube!

    After you successfully pick up the ice cube with the salt and thread, ask your family how we can stay close to Heavenly Father so that He can always help us. Share a time when Heavenly Father helped you accomplish something difficult or strengthened you during a difficult time.
