Some of my friends aren’t good influences. Can we still be friends?
December 2020

“Some of my friends aren’t good influences. Can we still be friends?” New Era, Dec. 2020, 44–45.

Questions & Answers

Some of my friends aren’t good influences. Can we still be friends?

young woman

Photograph from Getty Images, posed by models

Share Good Things

young man

If they are my friends, it is my duty to help them to be better, to share the gospel and all the blessings I have received by living it. If they don’t show interest in those good things, I may start to lose them little by little. Even though it is hard, sometimes that is the best thing to do.

Matheus T., 16, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Speak without Fear

My friends know that I belong to the Church. We talked about what is right to do and what is not. Now when my friend is with me, he behaves in an exemplary way, and that makes me happy. This taught me that I should speak without fear.

Diego R., 16, Mexico City, Mexico

Be a Better Influence

young woman

I have friends who are not good influences, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t speak to them. I treat them with respect and kindness. I do not judge or criticize them. I know that friends can influence our way of thinking and acting and can even determine the person we will become. Whenever I can, I share the gospel with them and invite them to Church activities.

Saireth V., 18, Morelos, Mexico

Put God First

young woman

Do not be discouraged if your friends do not accept your good example. You should not have to lower your standards or set aside your beliefs for others; we live to please Heavenly Father, not anyone else. Pray and search the scriptures for guidance, listen to the Holy Ghost’s promptings, and most importantly, do not let worldly things cause you to stray away from the strait and narrow path.

Riley E., 15, Manila, Philippines

Stand in Holy Places

I have learned from my Church leaders that we have to stand in holy places, even if we are the only ones. Continue living the standards set in your life and in your heart. Try inviting them to a lesson or sacrament meeting. You can carry the light of the gospel everywhere you go! And above all, show the Savior’s love for each of them.

Allanis O., 18, Setúbal, Portugal
