I Didn’t Think Heavenly Father Needed Me, but General Conference Reminded Me of My Potential
November 2021

I Didn’t Think Heavenly Father Needed Me, but General Conference Reminded Me of My Potential

I was feeling a lot of self-doubt and uncertainty, but Sister Cordon’s talk changed everything.

leaves on a tree

Over the years, many general conference talks have stood out and meant a lot to me, and Young Women General President Bonnie H. Cordon’s talk during this past conference was one of them.

As Sister Cordon began her talk, I could tell it was special. She spoke about a young woman who sent her a letter telling her that she didn’t know what her purpose was, but that she believed it was something grand.1

I believe that as a daughter of God, I have always had great potential, but I struggle at times to feel needed in God’s work. There are a lot of things we can do to help build His kingdom, yes, but I don’t feel like I’m good at any of them, which makes it hard to believe that anything I do or say matters. I have a testimony that God loves me, but knowing He loves me is different from believing that He needs me or that I have anything of worth to offer.

My Importance in God’s Work

But Sister Cordon continued, saying: “The Lord has a plan for you. He has prepared you for this day, right now, to be a strength and force for good in His mighty work.”2 This is a message I have heard from the Lord’s servants since I was in Young Women, but this time it meant more. I have recently been able to see myself becoming an instrument in the Lord’s hands, recognize ways I can serve others, and come to believe that there really is something great (or many great things) the Lord intends me to do.

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ really do need me.

As Sister Cordon said, “We need you! It simply will not be as grand without you!,”3 I knew in reality that she was looking into a camera and that I was seeing her face on a screen, and yet I felt like she was looking directly at me—as if Heavenly Father was giving me this message through her.

Which, of course, He was.

As Sister Cordon testified of how important we all are, how much grander the kingdom of God is with all of us, I realized that I could testify of the same thing. I felt like telling everyone around me that they were important in God’s work—that I knew that they mattered—and then I realized that I believed I did too.

In gaining a testimony of the worth of others and myself, I came to understand that God really did need me, and He needed me to know that I had value so I could serve and lift others and, in the process, become more like Him.

My Capacity to Bring Others to Christ

Not only did Sister Cordon teach me of my potential to serve, but she reminded me of my capacity to bring others to Christ.

I know I can make sure no one is missed. I know I can give others at least the opportunity to know Christ. This is what I have to offer, and it really is enough to bring others to Him.

Another way Sister Cordon reminded me of my potential was when she asked the youth to help others come unto Christ. She asked: “Will you pray and ask Heavenly Father how you can support your parents as they continue to come unto Christ? They need you just as much as you need them.”4 We all need each other to come unto Christ. We need to help others and be willing accept the help that we ourselves need. Everyone is needed; everyone has something to offer.

And then Sister Cordon left us with this promise: “We will feel the love and peace of the Savior as we join Him in saving God’s family.”5

Being able to see how worthwhile and valuable I am in Heavenly Father’s work has changed me. I am able to recognize the potential of others, which makes me want to serve them. I see my own potential to serve, and I want to help in any way I can because I believe there are things I can do that will help.

I know that the kingdom of God needs all of us, and I can now truly testify with Sister Cordon that God’s work “simply will not be as grand without you.”
