How BYU–Pathway Helped These Young Adults Increase Their Faith
February 2022

Digital Only: Young Adults

How BYU–Pathway Helped These Young Adults Increase Their Faith

Education was the solution for these three students to turn darkness into light.

hands clasped in prayer by a computer

Doubt. Darkness. Divorce. Depression. Three young adults from around the world were facing these difficult circumstances when they enrolled in BYU–Pathway Worldwide. And through the online degree program, not only did they further their education, they also found greater peace and discovered—or rediscovered—the light of the gospel.

The Lord has invited us to “seek learning, even by study and also by faith” (Doctrine and Covenants 88:118; emphasis added). Read how these young adults did just that and how seeking learning and higher education led them to a higher power.

Filled with Light

two young men in baptismal clothes with a woman wearing a mask

Dwight (center) with his mother and friend Jeff on his baptism day.

Photograph courtesy of Dwight G.

I grew up learning Christian values. I knew I was created by God and that He would protect me as I kept His commandments. But eventually I drifted away from my faith and was filled with doubt. In 2020, my friend Jeff, who is a member of the Church, explained BYU–Pathway Worldwide to me, how it can help students learn English and earn a bachelor’s degree online.

I wanted to learn more!

In my country, most young people can’t afford to go abroad for a better education. BYU–Pathway was the solution I didn’t know I needed. My fear of the future was replaced with a new hope that blazed within me, and I knew God hadn’t abandoned me.

I learned many valuable habits and skills in my classes, like how to manage my finances, improve my English, and be a proactive employee. I quickly discovered that BYU–Pathway is not only an educational journey but a spiritual one too. In my classes, I also learned about Nephi and modern-day prophets and came to know that their teachings were true. And I realized that, if I wanted to fully grasp what I was learning, I needed to learn more about the Church.

I shared my feelings with Jeff, and he immediately contacted the full-time missionaries. Each day of study I had with the missionaries filled me with a light that brightened my view of the world. I was like a lost child who was finally coming home. I discovered I am a son of God, I have a purpose, and there’s another book (the Book of Mormon) written by ancient people who recorded the miracles that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ provided for them.

Eventually I was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ. And my faith in Jesus Christ has reached a height I never thought possible.

Dwight G., Maritime, Togo

Back on the Lord’s Wonderful Path

young woman holding a certificate

Photograph courtesy of Stefanie D.

I had always been an active member of the Church, but after my divorce, I lost focus of Heavenly Father’s plan of salvation and my faith. I met someone, and we started living together. My whole life changed. I felt that I was totally in the dark, and I stopped attending church because I felt that I didn’t belong.

But I did continue attending institute. And during this time, a service missionary I met at institute invited me to join BYU–Pathway. I was hesitant, but she promised it would change my life. So I decided to try it for one semester. However, I soon had my first child and didn’t know how to handle being a new mom along with pursuing an education, so I quit.

Later on, I remembered how great I felt during that one semester. I had felt so close to Heavenly Father and wanted that feeling back. So a year later, I started BYU–Pathway again, and many blessings came into my life right after.

I started a beautiful repentance process, married the man I was living with, and even received my temple recommend. Later, I was called to be the Relief Society president. Now I am serving as an institute teacher and love it! My husband has also been learning more about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We will be able to take all the knowledge we learn into the next life (see Doctrine and Covenants 130:18–19). BYU–Pathway is not just an education—it brought me back to the Lord’s wonderful path.

Stefanie D., Wanica, Suriname

From Darkness to Confidence

young couple sitting outside on the grass

Photograph courtesy of Dane W.

In high school, I struggled with a lot of anxiety and depression, so I ended up dropping out. For about five years, I distanced myself from the Church and from family. About that time, I also started using drugs and alcohol to cope with how alone I felt.

It was a pretty dark time.

At one point, my mom learned about BYU–Pathway Worldwide and started encouraging me to join. An education was something I had always wanted, but my previous experiences with school had crushed my confidence.

I dismissed my mom’s offer at first, but within that week, I looked up BYU–Pathway online. It seemed like a pretty good fit for me. Despite my doubts, I decided to go for it. At the same time, I started working to align my life with the gospel again.

When I first started my courses, I felt awkward and out of place. I hadn’t been active in the Church for years, but the people in my classes were from all walks of life and showed me I didn’t need to be perfect to be there.

Soon I began to feel more of the Spirit and like things were heading in the right direction. Before, I had felt like I was failing at everything in life. But for the first time in a long time, I felt like I was progressing both academically and spiritually.

Feeling the Spirit through my education helped me get back in tune with my testimony and brought clarity to my mind. Because I knew Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ were with me, I had the confidence to do things I didn’t think I could do before when I was surrounded by darkness. After everything I had been through, I’d never felt that getting an education was within my reach—BYU–Pathway changed that for me and helped me have faith in myself and in Jesus Christ again.

Dane W., Utah, USA

President Russell M. Nelson counseled:

“Pursue your education as a priority of the highest order. Gain all the education you can. With us as Latter-day Saints, education is a religious responsibility. …

“Your personal intelligence—your personal identity—is everlasting and divine (see Doctrine and Covenants 93:29).”1

In addition to BYU–Pathway Worldwide, there are many opportunities for education within the Church Educational System or in your local area. Regardless of which educational path you choose, seeking opportunities to strengthen your mind and faith will bless you and your family, not only in this life but in the eternities!
