Ministering with Compassion
June 2023

“Ministering with Compassion,” Liahona, June 2023.

Ministering Principles

Ministering with Compassion

Developing compassion toward others helps us bear one another’s burdens.

Bible video depiction of the Savior speaking with an older man

An Example of Compassion

During the Savior’s Crucifixion, a handful of those who loved Him stayed at the foot of the cross. Among those there were His mother, His aunt, Mary Magdalene, and John. What a difficult situation for those who loved Him so much. Although they couldn’t relieve Him of His suffering, they gave their time, love, and support, even though it must have been uncomfortable, inconvenient, and possibly dangerous.

Some of these women remained with Him to the end and continued to serve even after He died by preparing His body for burial with fine herbs and linen. (See Matthew 27:55–56; Mark 15:40–41, 47; Luke 23:55–56; John 19:25–27.)

Ministering with Compassion

Compassion is a caring awareness of “others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it.”1 As mortal beings, we will experience distress. Certainly, those to whom we minister will have challenges, and some may be truly suffering.

Elder Neal A. Maxwell (1926–2004) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said, “When, for the moment, we ourselves are not being stretched on a particular cross, we ought to be at the foot of someone else’s—full of empathy and proffering spiritual refreshment.”2

The task may seem daunting, especially if those we minister to are experiencing a heavy trial. When there is a way to relieve suffering, we do our best to help. But at times, there may be little we can do. To have to merely look on, as Mary did, can be difficult. But even when we can’t relieve suffering, we can be there in the midst of it, offering our love and support.

While many don’t like to be pitied, most appreciate compassionate understanding and support when times are hard.

hand reaching out to a man with his head hung down

Developing Compassion

As we come to know the Savior, we will better understand how He extends compassion to all who come unto Him. How can we develop this Christlike attribute in our lives?

  1. Study accounts where the Savior demonstrated compassion. Over and over, He showed compassion even when He was tired or busy. Consider how He felt toward those He helped.

  2. Recall times when others have comforted or supported us in our trials. This can help cultivate compassion and bring to mind ways we can support others.

  3. Fast and pray for more compassion and ask for guidance on what actions we can take to demonstrate our love and concern.

  4. Strive to get to know others and understand their situations better. As our understanding and compassion grow, so can our relationships, becoming friendships that will be meaningful and lasting.

  5. Practice noticing the circumstances of others by asking yourself questions like, “What might be hard in that person’s life right now?” “How would I feel if I were in that person’s place?”

  6. Practice recognizing when you minimize or dismiss someone else’s suffering. When we quickly dismiss someone’s suffering, we don’t allow ourselves time to be compassionately moved by it.
