Sharing the Gospel—Recent Messages from Prophets, Apostles, and Other Church Leaders
July 2023

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Sharing the Gospel—Recent Messages from Prophets, Apostles, and Other Church Leaders

See what Church leaders have taught recently on social media about inviting others to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Christ teaching His followers

President Russell M. Nelson has taught:

“The gospel of Jesus Christ has never been needed more than it is today. …

“… We have the sacred responsibility to share the power and peace of Jesus Christ with all who will listen and who will let God prevail in their lives.

“Every person who has made covenants with God has promised to care about others and serve those in need. We can demonstrate faith in God and always be ready to respond to those who ask about ‘the hope that is in [us]’ [1 Peter 3:15]. Each of us has a role to play in the gathering of Israel. ...

“… Everyone deserves the chance to know about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Every person deserves to know where they can find the hope and peace that ‘[pass] all understanding’ [Philippians 4:7].1

See what prophets, apostles, and other Church leaders have shared on social media about our opportunity and responsibility to share the gospel.

God Will Touch the Lives of Millions

“As your testimony grows, you will come to feel light growing in your life. It will not come without effort. But it will come as your testimony grows and you choose to nurture it.

“You will be a light to the world as you share your testimony with others. You will reflect to others the Light of Christ in your life. The Lord will find ways for that light to touch those you love. And through the combined faith and testimony of His daughters and sons, God will touch the lives of millions in His kingdom and across the world with His light.”

President Henry B. Eyring, Facebook, Aug. 20, 2020, facebook.com/henry.b.eyring.

Find Ways to Give the Best Gift

“The Lord changes lives one by one. The Savior’s birth was the beginning of an inspiring earthly ministry. Throughout His life, He brought countless souls to the light of the gospel. He has asked us to do the same. Find ways to bring yourself and others closer to Christ. ... That is the best gift you can give.”

President M. Russell Ballard, Facebook, Dec. 12, 2022, facebook.com/mrussell.ballard.

Talk with Others about Serving a Mission

“I call upon young men, and those young women who desire to serve a mission, to begin right now to talk with your parents about serving a mission. I also invite you to talk with your friends about serving a mission and if one of your friends is not sure about serving, encourage them to talk with their bishop.

“My missionary service prepared me to be a better husband and father and to be successful in business. It also prepared me for a lifetime of service to the Lord in His Church.

“To missionaries that have returned home after their service, remember that you are not released from activity in the Church. Build upon the good habits you learned on your mission, continue to strengthen your testimony, work hard, pray, and be obedient to the Lord. Honor the covenants you have made. Continue to bless and serve others.”

President M. Russell Ballard, Facebook, May 9, 2022, facebook.com/mrussell.ballard.

Love, Share, Invite

“I believe three words have the power to transform our service to God and fellowmen. Living them will change how we interact with each other in our congregations, with our friends, and with all of God’s children: love, share, and invite.

1) Love ought to be the foundation and motivation for everything we do. It makes our efforts more meaningful and more joyful!

2) Share what you love about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Share why you like to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

3) Invite people to come and see, come and help, and come and belong.

“As you strive to walk the path of discipleship, even if you stumble at times, the light and joy of the gospel of Jesus Christ will radiate in your life. Others will notice that you have something valuable in your life, and this will lead to opportunities to share it.

“I learned in my life that the gospel of Jesus Christ brings hope, happiness, and healing. It is our great privilege and blessing to share that gospel with all of God’s children.”

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Facebook, July 1, 2021, facebook.com/dieterf.uchtdorf.

Each Little Paint Stroke Is Important

“Harriet and I shared this video in a recent devotional. It depicts the creation of a beautiful painting by Jay Ward. In a special way this process portrays what trying to live our lives in a more Christlike manner, and our daily work of inviting others to come nearer to Christ, is all about. We encourage people in normal and natural ways to embrace the gospel and the Church of Jesus Christ. We love, share, and invite people to give it a try and come closer to the Savior. We ask them to come and see, come and help, come and belong to this great community of Latter-day Saints.

“Dear friends, never give up doing the Savior’s sacred work. By your dedicated efforts you will help to create the more complete picture by helping people to draw closer to Jesus Christ and His Church. Applying these principles will bring more happiness into the world.

“It takes lots of work—small, little, almost unnoticeable paint strokes that will help to make the picture perfect and whole. The painter knows exactly what he wants to achieve. The paint strokes may look random or chaotic to some outsider, but they are purposefully placed for the masterwork to be completed. Praying, caring, and patiently reaching out to people around us will help us all to come closer to Christ. Your daily small acts of kindness, compassion, and love for God and His children will bring people within the grasp of God’s love.

“Each stroke is important. You are important. You are needed, your work is needed, nothing is too small or insignificant.”

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Facebook, Mar. 19, 2021, facebook.com/dieterf.uchtdorf.

Use Technology and Social Media in the Lord’s Way

“It is impressive how our dear missionaries are learning how to use the powerful tools of technology wisely and effectively—the Lord’s way. Just as the missionaries are perfecting themselves in their use of technology and social media, we should be doing the same from our homes and in our wards and branches. If you aren’t sure how to start, have the missionaries teach you. They’d love to help!

“Dear friends, God lives and loves you. Jesus Christ leads His Church. … Remember, your social media and technology efforts don’t have to be perfect or professional. They need to be authentic and intentional.

“Invite your friends and loved ones to come and see, come and help, and come and belong. Apply the principles of ‘love,’ ‘share,’ and ‘invite.’ ...

“In all this, Christ is at the center. By Him and through Him, we can bring happiness to the world.”

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Facebook, Mar. 6, 2021, facebook.com/dieterf.uchtdorf.

Be Patient, Keep Trying, and Trust the Lord

“When it comes to sharing the gospel, the simple pattern of ‘love, share, and invite’ brings greater focus to all aspects of the Lord’s work. Naturally living these fundamental gospel principles will enable us to help others come unto Christ by making and keeping covenants. We may not even realize we are sharing the gospel, because sharing and inviting are a natural expression of our genuine love for others. It’s simply part of who we are!

“The scriptures say that ‘charity suffereth long’ and ‘endureth all things’ (1 Corinthians 13:4, 7). Love does not have a timetable or an expiration date. When our sharing and inviting are motivated by love, we do not become impatient. We keep trying, and we trust the Lord as we reach out to others.”

Elder David A. Bednar, Facebook, Aug. 2, 2021, facebook.com/davida.bednar.

Help Others Find Freedom from Bondage

“As we gather ourselves unto Jesus Christ by following His teachings, we experience liberty and freedom that only His gospel can provide—liberty to have personal revelation and freedom to become who Heavenly Father wants us to be.

“Unrighteous living can lead to bondage and limitations, both physical and spiritual. As we assist in gathering our friends and loved ones to the gospel, including by helping them to make and keep sacred covenants with God, we can help them find freedom from many types of bondage.

“As you live righteously, you will not only escape bondage from the adversary, but you will also become an example of hope and light to others.”

Elder Quentin L. Cook, Facebook, Oct. 23, 2022, facebook.com/quentin.lcook.

Invite Others to Enjoy the Blessings of the Savior’s Gospel

“I express my gratitude for our wonderful missionaries around the world who desire to take the message of the Restoration and to build faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

“Just like these missionaries, each of us has the opportunity to love, share, and invite others to join with us and enjoy the blessings of the Savior’s gospel.”

Elder Quentin L. Cook, Facebook, Oct. 30, 2021, facebook.com/quentin.lcook.

Share This Important Truth with Everyone We Know

“Before speaking at a Primary devotional recently in Anchorage, Alaska, I asked some of my grandchildren what I should share with other children around their age.

“‘Pa, tell them that you know Jesus and that He loves them,’ they responded.

“I took their suggestion to heart and made sure to promise each of those children that they are known by name by Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. I also shared with them that God loves them.

“The truths I shared with these precious children are the same truths I share with each of you.

“Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us so much. We are God’s children. We should share this important truth with everyone we know. We are never really alone. In Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, we have constant friendship and support.”

Elder Ronald A. Rasband, Facebook, July 12, 2022, facebook.com/RonaldARasband.

Be a Light in This Darkening World

“You can be a light in this darkening world, to stand as witnesses of God and His righteousness at all times, no exceptions, and find joy in serving. May you know of your profound influence, and may you devotedly serve your Father in Heaven.”

Elder Ronald A. Rasband, Facebook, Apr. 30, 2021, facebook.com/RonaldARasband.

We Have the Responsibility to Invite

“At a recent BYU devotional, I spoke about the link between blessings and responsibilities for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

“We have the responsibility to invite all to receive the gospel. Missionaries are blessed in their service through the support of their families and members.

“We have the responsibility to unite families for eternity. We are blessed with temples all around the world.

“We have the responsibility to live the gospel of Jesus Christ. We receive blessings through various Church resources, including the Book of Mormon—now in 112 languages.

“We have the responsibility to care for those in need. Because of the generosity and faithfulness of our members, we have shared our blessings with the world through many humanitarian efforts.

“My invitation is to consider our role in accomplishing these divine responsibilities and anxiously engage. As we do, we will recognize and enjoy heaven-sent blessings.”

Elder Gary E. Stevenson, Mar. 16, 2021, facebook.com/stevenson.gary.e.

Shine Light Today

“It’s hard not to love the song ‘Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam’! Every time I hear it, I can picture the happy faces of children singing it. The second verse says, ‘Jesus wants me to be loving and kind to all I see, showing how pleasant and happy His little one can be.’

“Each of us has a light within us, and Christ wants us to shine that light! Friends, I hope you’ll take this invitation to shine light today, wherever you are.”

Sister Tracy Y. Browning, Jan. 24, 2023, facebook.com/Primary2ndCounselor.
