Utah YSA: 5 Reasons You Can’t Miss the “Together in Christ” Conference
July 2023

Utah YSA: 5 Reasons You Can’t Miss the “Together in Christ” Conference

The “Together in Christ” YSA conference this August may be just what you need to give your faith a boost!

a group of people dancing

You’ve heard the announcements. An entire Utah Area YSA Conference? Spanning three weekends? That’s a first.

And you’ve thought about it. There’s going to be tons of new people and tons of fun activities. Concerts, a dance, a fun run, and a devotional?

But there is still something stopping you from signing up. Maybe you don’t have anyone to go with, or you don’t love crowds of new people (relatable). Maybe you’re not sure it’s going to be worth the money or the effort.

Well, as fellow young adults, let us just take a quick minute to share five reasons we think you should absolutely attend this fantastic event.

1. You Will Have Dozens of Activities to Participate In

When we say there’s going to be something for everyone over these three weekends, we mean it. At the main Gather Together Conference on Saturday, August 19, at the Salt Palace Convention Center, there are going to be escape rooms, food trucks, service projects, speed dating, a pickleball tournament, and a karaoke competition. You’ll get to hear from the Relief Society General Presidency, who will speak about how Jesus Christ can offer us relief from our trials, listen to podcasters and other social media content creators, learn about mental health life hacks from therapists, get involved in family history, and tour a life-size replica of the Old Testament Tabernacle.

And that’s just one event! The other main events are a concert at the Delta Center featuring OneRepublic, Tori Kelly, and Jordan Smith; a YSA dance at the Mountain America Expo Center; a 5K sunset fun run at the Saratoga Springs Temple; and an inspiring devotional at the BYU Marriott Center with Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

One of these events is bound to catch your interest. You could pick just one thing to go for or literally do it all. Registration for all of these incredible events and activities is only $50 per person.

Worth it.

2. You Will Be Reminded of Your Divine Potential

We get it. An event like this can sound overwhelming. Meeting new people and participating in a variety of activities isn’t always easy. But where better to be reminded of your divine identity and potential than with other YSAs who are also disciples of Jesus Christ?

We hope the things you’ll learn and experience throughout this conference will help you know how to keep progressing along the covenant path. How to get better. How to grow into the person that Heavenly Father wants you to be—and knows you can be. As Elder Richard G. Scott (1928–2015) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles once said: “With all my capacity I encourage you to discover who you really are. I invite you to look beyond the daily routine of life. I urge you to discern through the Spirit your divinely given capacities. I exhort you to prayerfully make worthy choices that will lead you to realize your full potential.”1

3. You Can Make New Friends and Connections

You can’t tell us that you have plenty of friends already. That you don’t know someone in your ward who could use a new friend. That the people you minister to don’t like having fun and wouldn’t love to be invited to go with you. That you’re not secretly hoping to run into the love of your life at an event like this.

Well, here’s your shot. With an estimated 50,000 young single adults from all over Utah attending, it’s unlikely that you won’t come out of this event with a new friend, a better friend, or—we’re just going to say it—a potential date, at the very least.

And just know that we are all in the same awkward boat when it comes to struggling with social anxiety. You’re not alone!

4. You Will Know You’re Not Alone

We don’t know about you, but when we meet other young adults who are also committed to living the gospel, it gives us a boost. It encourages us to keep going. It reminds us that the blessings of the covenant path outweigh anything the world has to offer. It helps us realize that we can keep our standards and still have so much fun. It reminds us that we are not alone as disciples of Christ.

We know that together, our “rejoicing may be more abundant in Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:26). When we come together and “let [our] conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ,” He will be among us—He will see “that [we] stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel” (verse 27).

On top of that, at the end of this conference, we get to hear from an Apostle of Jesus Christ, sharing a message specific to Utah Area YSA. We can’t wait to hear what personalized advice and counsel he has in mind for us.

5. You Will Strengthen Your Relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ

The greatest part of this event is that you will have the opportunity to deepen your relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. If you want to know how to better see Their comforting influence and guiding presence in your day-to-day life, then this conference is for you.

As President M. Russell Ballard, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, recently said: “A relationship with our Heavenly Father and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, is most important. This relationship matters most now and in eternity.”2

The truths that will be shared, the Spirit that can be felt, and the life-changing lessons that will be taught will help you better connect with Them and help you feel Their perfect love for you. So, be there. Bring a friend! Registration ends on July 31. Don’t miss out!
