YA Weekly
Do You Think God Doesn’t Know You? Trust Me, He Does
February 2024

Digital Only: Young Adults

Do You Think God Doesn’t Know You? Trust Me, He Does

One experience shaped my entire life and taught me that Heavenly Father is always aware of us.

an illustration of a young girl putting her arms around her mother

I recently returned from my mission and have felt unsure of where to go next in my life. Sometimes I wonder if Heavenly Father really is aware of me, my circumstances, and my feelings of uncertainty.

But then I remember that He is. He knows what I’m experiencing.

And how do I know this?

First, because our Church leaders continue to reassure us of these truths. President Russell M. Nelson, for example, recently said: “I assure you that our Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, love you. They are intimately aware of your circumstances, your goodness, your needs, and your prayers for help.”1

And second, I believe Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ know me because I have had many experiences in my life where They have helped me and shown me Their love.

But the experience I think about most frequently is my adoption.


When I was a baby, I lived in an orphanage in Cambodia. I got very sick with pneumonia, and the orphanage couldn’t afford my medical care.

At the same time, my future mother was visiting Cambodia from Finland for a work trip. She had a spiritual experience that guided her to visit my specific orphanage.

When we met, she felt an instant spiritual connection to me.

She took me to the hospital and paid for my medical expenses. She felt that she had been guided to Cambodia to help me get better—nothing more. But over the phone one night, her dad said to her, “Maybe this little girl is supposed to stay in your life.”

She prayed and felt her own spiritual confirmation that I was meant to be her child. So she started the adoption process. It took a long time, but eventually she returned home to Finland with me.

Whenever I’m feeling unsure if Heavenly Father is aware of me, pondering my unique origin story and the miracles involved always reminds me of this truth: He is intimately aware of and involved in my life.

The Power of Remembering

Remembering this experience was a driving force for me during times when I struggled while serving my mission in London, England. When I was given the option to extend my mission for a few weeks, I really just wanted to go home!

But I remembered that Heavenly Father had provided me with miracles so I could be an instrument in His hands. This knowledge gave me strength to serve for those few extra weeks and share the love of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ with others.

I know not everyone who is in difficult circumstances may have the same spiritual experiences that I had. But I do know that Heavenly Father has not forgotten any of us. As we reach for Him, He will always give us the strength and guidance we need.

He Knows Us

My experience as a child reassures me that even among His billions of children, Heavenly Father knew me—a tiny child in an orphanage—and provided the inspiration that connected me to the gospel and to my family.

And He knows you.

When I feel guilt over my mistakes, when I was overwhelmed while serving my mission, and as I’m now trying to decide what to study at university, I find rest in the knowledge that my Heavenly Father and Savior are with me.

As President Susan H. Porter, Primary General President, recently taught: “God’s love is not found in the circumstances of our lives but in His presence in our lives. We know of His love when we receive strength beyond our own and when His Spirit brings peace, comfort, and direction. … We can pray to have our eyes opened to see His hand in our lives and to see His love in the beauty of His creations.”2

I testify that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can give us the power and love we need to do all They ask of us. I invite you to willingly seek that truth for yourself, and I promise that They will remind you of Their love in the ways you need most.
