YA Weekly
Your Young Adulthood Survival Guide: Uplifting Quotes from Our Leaders for When You Need Them Most
February 2024

Digital Only: Young Adults

Your Young Adulthood Survival Guide: Uplifting Quotes from Our Leaders for When You Need Them Most

Sometimes we need comforting truths when life is tough.

young man with headphones watching the sunset

Young adulthood can be a wonderful time full of new experiences and exciting opportunities. But it can also be hard. Sometimes the future can look bleak as we wait for promised blessings or when life isn’t turning out the way we imagined it would.

In these moments, we can look to the inspired words of our prophets, apostles, and other Church leaders. They are fully aware of how crazy this time of life can be and have shared life-changing counsel specifically for us.

Here are just a few of their encouraging messages given specifically to young adults to help us all on the journey of life:

When You’re Worried about the Future

“In a sense, your small and simple sacrifices are the dots of daily living that make up the masterpiece painting of your life. You may not see how the dots connect now, and you don’t need to yet. Simply have faith enough for the moment you are living in now. Trust in God, and ‘out of small things [will come] that which is great’ [Doctrine and Covenants 64:33]. …

“Because God has given you your agency, you can choose many directions to go and still lead a fulfilling life. Mortality is an open-ended, choose-your-own-adventure story. You have commandments, you have covenants, you have inspired prophetic counsel, and you have the gift of the Holy Ghost. That is more than enough to lead you to mortal happiness and eternal joy.”

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “The Adventure of Mortality” (worldwide devotional for young adults, Jan. 14, 2018), Gospel Library.

When You Don’t Feel Good Enough

“Perhaps we all see ourselves as a little less than we are. Unworthy. Untalented. Nothing special. Lacking the heart, mind, resources, charisma, or stature to be of much use to God.

“You say you’re not perfect? You’re not good enough? Welcome to the club!

“You may be just the person God is looking for.

“God doesn’t need you to be exceptional, let alone perfect.

“He will take your talents and abilities and multiply them—even though they may seem scarce as a few loaves and fishes. If you trust Him and are faithful, He will magnify your words and actions and use them to bless and minister to multitudes!”

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Facebook, Oct. 15, 2021, facebook.com/dieterf.uchtdorf.

When You Feel Overwhelmed by the World

“Dear young friends, remember: You have—like Esther—been born for such a time as this. Don’t be fearful, and don’t be discouraged. God will be with you on your journey always. Just be sure to take Him and His word with you, and remember, pray always to hear His voice in the scriptures.”

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Facebook, Mar. 9, 2021, facebook.com/jeffreyr.holland.

When You Feel Heartbroken

“When trust is betrayed, dreams shattered, hearts broken and broken again, when we want justice and need mercy, when our fists clench and our tears flow, when we need to know what to hold onto and what to let go of, we can always remember Him. Life is not as cruel as it can sometimes seem. His infinite compassion can help us find our way, truth, and life [see John 14:6].”

Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “Always Remember Him,” Liahona, May 2016, 109.

When You Feel Lonely

“As we discover God, sometimes unexpected answers to prayers take us from the street, bring us to community, chase darkness from our souls, and guide us to find spiritual refuge and belonging in the goodness of His covenants and abiding love.”

Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “All Nations, Kindreds, and Tongues,” Liahona, Nov. 2020, 41

When You Feel Guilty

“My dear young friends, there is always a way back. Jesus Christ (and His gospel) is the way. You have not committed any sin so serious that you are beyond the reach of the Savior’s love and atoning grace. As you take steps to repent and follow God’s laws, you will begin to feel just how much Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son want you back home with Them! They want you to be happy. They will do anything within Their power that does not violate your agency or Their laws to help you come back.”

President Russell M. Nelson, “The Love and Laws of God” (Brigham Young University devotional, Sept. 17, 2019), 3, speeches.byu.edu.

When You Need Hope

“You will … hear us declare with Moroni that hope is essential if we are to ‘receive [the] inheritance [God] hast prepared [for us]’ [Ether 12:32]. We want you to claim that inheritance as sons and daughters of a king. To do that, we must realize that hope is not just the message and manner of the naturally optimistic; it is the privilege of everyone who believes.”

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “A Future Filled with Hope” (worldwide devotional for young adults, Jan. 8, 2023), Gospel Library.

When You Feel Exhausted

“After you have looked inward, I plead with you to look upward. The eyes that look down on yours will be those of your loving Father in Heaven who can, and will, bestow upon you all those things you hope for in righteousness. You can’t get these blessings by chasing them. Please stop running to the point of exhaustion. Be quiet; be still. Simplify. Be meek and lowly of heart, and pray. I testify to you that miracles will come when we slow down, when we calm down, and when we kneel down. All that the Father has can one day be yours [see Doctrine and Covenants 84:33–38].”

Sister Patricia T. Holland, “A Future Filled with Hope” (worldwide devotional for young adults, Jan. 8, 2023), Gospel Library.

When You Need Reassurance

“God knows all and sees all. In all of eternity, no one will ever know you or care about you more than He does. No one will ever be closer to you than He is. You can pour out your heart to Him and trust Him to send the Holy Ghost and angels to care for you. He demonstrated His ultimate love when He sent His Only Begotten Son to die for you—to be your Savior and your Redeemer!”

President Russell M. Nelson, “Choices for Eternity” (worldwide devotional for young adults, May 15, 2022), Gospel Library.
